Some delicate words about why the representation on #WynonnaEarp is sometimes a touchy subject for queer people. As in, we get fighty.
Right off the bat: no gatekeeping. This is a TV show. It is for everyone. Straight allies are needed and welcome. But I do hope that our allies take a moment or two to consider that for many queer people watching the show, it's sacred ground.
It's hard for me to talk about #WynonnaEarp outside of queer safe spaces. I get nervous when people in the "real" world ask me because I don't know how to explain that, yes, it's a show, but it's also a very unique silent agreement between queer fans and TPTB.
There have been other WLW couples on TV before. There are more and more each day. But #WayHaught is different - I think a lot of us in the queer community struggle to quite put it into words. We've just never really had this before. EVER.
This isn't hyperbole. And WayHaught is not perfect in terms of representation (two white women), but for the first time in TV history, queer women are seeing themselves represented in a way that they can trust. We laugh about the "unkillable gay squad"'s no joke.
Season 4 has been really interesting for WayHaught because they've 100% been centred. I can FEEL the care for this ship coming off the screen. From the writing, to the directing, to the costuming. And of course, the acting. DPC and KB are custodians and guardians of these roles.
I trust Emily Andras with WayHaught. I trust that Nicole can die, onscreen. That Waverly and Nicole can fight. That Nicole can get shot and stand up again. #WynonnaEarp 's creators KNOW that a whole lot of queer people help keep the bus moving. And they love us for it.
They don't bait us. They don't mock us. They don't tease us. Do you know how extraordinary and new that is? They appreciate our love, our money, and our passion. We are not disposable to them.

This is new for us queer folk.
To put this into perspective, the last time I saw a WLW couple get engaged on TV, they immediately plowed into a car. One almost died. A baby almost died. Then one got into a plane crash and lost her leg. Then cheating happened. Cue breakup.
That was the best WLW representation of an engagement on TV up until YESTERDAY. So...yes, #WynonnaEarp is for everyone. It is! But for queer people, it's the first time many of us have had a house that wants us to fill most of the rooms.
Yesterday's #WynonnaEarp finished not on a shot of its lead, but on a shot of a queer couple saying "I love you." The generosity of this show, of its leading lady, of its writers. Again, this is a sacred space for a lot of queer people.
Have you ever walked into a sacred space of a religion/culture that is not your own? These spaces are open, but they demand respect, solemnity, and the acknowledgment that you may not understand all you see, but it is no less worthy or praise.
#WynonnaEarp is a shared space. That's its beauty. But for some of us, that space is holy & safe. Which is hard to find when you're queer.
Allies, you are welcome, of course you are, but more is going on than you may know or see. And that's okay. That's where the learning begins.
For the first time EVER, queer people have two queer actors playing two queer characters, written by a queer show runner. This is brand new. It's never happened before.

Give us this. Celebrate with us. ❀
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