One of my server friends from @CourtAveBrew added me to a “cats only” Snapchat group & it has 20+ people from DSM who I worked or have mutual friends with just sharing all their kitty love.

It’s adorable, yet I can’t deny the melancholy that comes with feeling this distance.
2 summers ago, I finished undergrad and frantically applied for restaurant jobs to save up enough in time to afford my move to SoCal. CABCo took me into their family knowing I was only temporary, though the head chef told me I can have a job whenever since “they always come back”
Idk what this thread is supposed to be about? Renewed connections that remind us of a longing for home? Community? The cats of servers in and from the Des Moines metro? The fact I ACTUALLY MISS DES MOINES?
You can follow @Ben_Merrill_.
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