People who think identity politics defines “the left” are only aware of “the left” as the bourgeois lifestyle of “radical chic” & not as the serious methodological understanding of the historically contingent class-based production of ideology.
“Reactionary” in this lens doesn’t mean “based & redpilled” alone— it means anything which impedes the production of a universalist reform of politcal economy toward the interests of the majority of citizens.
Obviously— if CEOs & billionaires are supporting “progressivism”— it’s because it serves as a means of thwarting this reform. Thus— the irrationalism of the epistemology producing “Woke Capital” is not a “bug” but a feature. It intentionally produced absurdities & distractions.
Obviously— this DOES work at impeding reform by preserving neoliberal institutions & only “diversifying the stock of capitalists” by creating positions for new “identity managers” who have a renewed loyalty to the system as a whole.
“White privilege” for instance is in no way an authentic “leftist” idea— it is the production of bourgeois reactionaries in academia protecting THEIR class privilege by mystification of the economic leverage they hold toward a diffuse “cultural hegemony”
The striving upward acquisitive capitalist in the newly created market of “Identity Studies” gets to say “You are only anxious about MY CULTURAL HEGEMONY.” We are to say nothing of their role in the greater economy & their value as producers of false consciousness.
“It’s reactionary to suggest that I, a careerist POC in the bourgeois, DONT DESERVE MY RIGHTFUL PROPERTY I WON IN THE MARKET” etc
This is what is hidden in the “genuine reactionary” understanding of the “march through the institutions”— they suggest that the problem is not the institutions, but the “new elites” it has created in the form of “Identity Studied” etc.
What is NOT understood is that this production of false consciousness via “Identity Studies” occurred simultaneously with the University becoming a Hedge Fund for Capital which indebted generations to swelling the endowments & salaries of “Diversity Officers” etc.
These “Diversity Officers” do not exist to “promote diversity”— they exist to DEFEND THE CORPORATION. HR departments don’t exist to “protect diverse workers etc” but to DEFEND THE CORPORATION FROM ITS EMPLOYEES in court.
So a “reactionary” response to this actually reactionary set of new elites, is only handicapping itself by adopting the very frame of false consciousness laid there— this is Richard Spencer saying “white privilege is Good Akchually” (when white privilege is NOT EVEN REAL)
What THIS reaction does is FURTHER JUSTIFY the existence of these new elites— now DIVERSITY OFFICERS ARE HEROES! They aren’t questioned about their ludicrous salaries! They are now being considered “legitimate authorities” due to the backlash against their “cultural hegemony”
All the while— the tuition & accreditation mill, the industrial barons of “universities,” their endowments, their Capital, is free to do as it will— unquestioned— protected by the “cultural progressive officers” it hired to obscure its vampiric function.
If you believe “politics is downstream from culture” & not “politics is downstream from economy”— you’re owned so fucking hard you fucking morons
“I can’t be an acquisitive careerist capitalist seeking bourgeois status, I have a *subaltern essential identity* which is not tied to class at all. I can be rich & oppressed culturally. My richness is trivial. My sentimentality is everything.”
This is the REAL BOURGEOIS REACTIONARY IDEOLOGY— replace this even with “I can’t be a reactionary capitalist, I am not racist, I hire trans women, so what if I’m the CEO of Raytheon.”
This is Irrationalism too is it not? Is not the discourse of “bodies” & the defense of lumpenproletariat looting of the petite bourgeois at the expense of workers— also— reactionary & vitalist? Doesnt this better explain CEOs cheering on riots?
To think they’re doing so at the EXPENSE of their own economic status— is to be a moronic “culture warrior” who thinks Uber defending BLM isn’t a purely calculative position for maximizing marketshare & profits (while occluding criticism on economic fronts)
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