Great news happening in Florida! Per the Governor's press conference:

* All Florida School Districts will be open to in-person learning as of today.
* 1.1 Million kids in-person
* 60% of all parents selected in-person for their kids
DeSantis really strong railing against #casedemic. Asking how many of these "cases" reported by the media RE: schools, actually end up hospitalized?
Atlas quoting JAMA on the risk of seasonal influenza being more risk to young people than Covid-19. High-risk people need to mitigate, but low-risk people need to be allowed to function.

Saying that asymptomatic testing is not the way forward on this.

Great stuff!!!
Atlas quoting the dangers of remote learning, especially to low income kids with no other options, child abuse not being reported because these kids aren't being seen outside the home.

Comparing our nation to other western nations with open schools. Why is the US the outlier?
DeSantis and Atlas firing off a laundry list of Lockdown side-effects (not C19)

* Majority of Cancer screenings, chemo treatments were not performed during lockdown
* Rise in suicides
* Losing ground on opiods
* Heart and Stroke issues not being addressed
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