Nonsense talk about submitting Closed Caption.

People tend to forget to contact the content creator when submitting their CC and we ended up with wastes of unpublished subtitles out there.
I'll focus on MV subtitles because they're easier to find.
I've checked one by one the contribution page and most of them have subtitles waiting to be published. Yet the author never or only once contact the owner to review and/or publish them.
Based on my experience, YouTube won't notify you if someone put subtitles to your video.
Here's the good one, translation taken from Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki. I don't know whether it's the original translator that wrote it here or someone else with/without permission.
This is flos covered by Okayu, the latest one.
It's supposed to be easy since it's still new and she would probably see your message if you try. Try mentioning her or reply to her recent tweet.
Here's another one. It's Saga Jihen covered by Suisei and Hololive Fantasy. She happened to only publish the desc. You're halfway there buddy. This happened to me twice so I know how you feel. Try contacting her again and again.
I've recognized the double lines there. It means that those are stylized captions. You can't see it on preview here, have to be on main.
Coming from my experience, they usually miss your messages. You had to let them know during prime time. Also try avoiding DM, never work for me. Mention is great because people (other than your followers) won't see your attempts.
What if they still won't notice you? Here's a tricky way I've once used. Try to ask them during their Free Reply Session. Effective but you're playing the long game because it's quite rare.
You can just keep asking every once in a while so you won't feel like spamming them.
Tbh, It feels like wasted if you just wait for the creator to notice you especially if you never let them know.

I don't really know how to end this thread so...
Big thanks to Kaname and Yoyuu for teaching me this back when I was just starting🙏
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