I like @skydivephil, he makes great videos, but I think he's mislead by Vilenkin & others on cosmology.

He's asking me to "admit" 2 things:
1. laws of physics exist apart from anything else
2. change can happen without time

There are several problems with this view.

[THREAD] https://twitter.com/skydivephil/status/1300462845059006464
(1) assumes that laws of physics are things in themselves; they're prescriptive. I see no justification for that view whatsoever. The proper way to see laws of physics are as descriptions of physical phenomena.

The claim that laws of physics are prescriptive must be shown.

(2) is logically impossible on any view of time. Change necessitates time, regardless of what time theory you hold to. And hence to "admit" what Phil is arguing requires believing something logically impossible.

For these reasons I think Vilenkin is wrong about something: either his language is incorrect or his hypothesis & assumptions are.

All this gets a little complicated when you consider the view that all of spacetime is emergent & not fundamental, but that's for another thread /4
The proper way to understand all this is to recognize that "nothing" never existed (on the assumption past time is finite), detailed in this thread👇 https://twitter.com/AtheismNTheCity/status/1299858994371137537?s=20
You can follow @AtheismNTheCity.
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