Now the group is singing the Black national anthem
Group chanted “no justice, no peace” and the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor
All kinds of people out here — students, admin, police — and of all races. Some holding signs. All seem to be masked.
Repeated chants to say “Sheri wake up”
Chants continue
Lauren Bryant, part of the Black Student Association’s executive board is now reading a piece of poetry
Jay Edwards asking all non-Black attendees to kneel if able — group taking a moment of silence
Cameron Hunter, SGA VP asks why Sheri Everts can’t say Black Lives Matter
Rain is coming in — speakers, march still going strong
Some student athletes are speaking to being “protected by a jersey,” and say when they take the jersey off, when they leave campus, they are viewed as a Black thug
Korbin Cummings is now speaking to the situation between @BlackAtAppState and university administration
Sharing the many panels, organizations she’s been a part of to fight for racial justice on App State’s campus — “when stuff happens on campus, they don’t call administrators... they call us”
Korbin says the collective is fighting for equity, for more Black and brown counselors, more scholarships for Black and brown students
Addressing admin: “I know you see us, I know you hear us”
The rain is picking up, and the group is about to march down Rivers Street
Marching now
“Hey hey, ho ho Sheri Everts has got to go”
Phone died -- now in B.B. Dougherty administration building where the chancellor's office is located. Three floors of students are shouting "Sheri wake up"
@BlackAtAppState members are now reading their demands to the group
Kyndavee Bichara says administration gave the group 15 more minutes in the building
The group is calling on a recognition of their collective to the entire student body, not just to @BlackAtAppState
Korbin says because they were asked to leave in 15 mins, the group will give the chancellor 15 hours to send them an email and get a meeting set up
Now, members of @BlackAtAppState are talking to Jeff Cathey, who attended the march today, and is the Director of the Dept. of Student Engagement and Leadership
Kyndavee is saying they just heard that the building closes at 5 -- police are saying it's a level 2 trespassing charge to be in BB after 5
Willie Fleming, chief diversity officer, is here now. He's talking to Kyndavee now
A group just brought those leading Chick-Fil-A
@em_broyles, @xanayraml and @AiyanaWillo are headed out to interview SGA VP Cameron Hunter
Students are sharing their @BlackAtAppState experiences now
A student speaking on her experience as an RA right now — says pronouns and other identities are disregarded. Says some people have said living in a dorm is their first experience being called racial slurs.
Football player Camerun Peoples is speaking on his experiences on campus now
Kyndavee says the group has been in communication with the police and the chancellor’s communications people while in BB Dougherty. It’s now 4:57 — BB closes at 5. Kyndavee says those left in the building could be charged with trespassing if they stay
Johnny Brown, works for App State Police is formally asking everyone to leave the building and split into smaller groups. Anyone who stays past 10-15 mins will be charged
Most of the group has moved outside
Korbin is headed inside to check on who’s inside now
There’s still a group inside
Cam, Kyndavee speaking now. "It's either you are with us or you are against us," Cam said. He was one of the people inside when police gave original citations
"What you just witnessed is just a snapshot of what Black and brown students on this campus go through every day... that is not okay, and it's been happening for years," a member of the collective said.
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