Hi everyone 🤍 my beautiful friend Taffiny needs all our help, support and donations in order to escape her abusive situation and protect herself. Taffiny’s father has been physically, emotionally and mentally abusing her since she was 6 years old.
And just recently, he learned that she was bisexual and kicked her out of the house that she currently lives in. A house he built for her under the guise of a protective and involved father, but really it was to gain more control of her life. Taffiny’s dad is really dangerous
He has hurt her in ways I won’t disclose on this platform, but I do go into detail on the page so do have a look for some insight. Taff has thankfully managed to find a place to stay, but she needs funds to set up security systems, pay for transport and get essentials
You can follow @taraabogatsu.
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