Bowser holding her news conference on weekend unrest, blaming outside agitators. "We will not tolerate violence of any kind in Washington, D.C...We won't tolerate it against our police officers."
Mayor Bowser contends people from out of state came "armed for battle" with "fireworks, baseball bats and laser points and they were looking for police to confront"

"They are not the same as our residents who say Black Lives Matter."
Bowser responds to Trump tweet saying she needs to clean up D.C. or feds will

"We know the president considers himself Mr. Law and Order. I want to be very clear he’s coming for wrong team because we are for law and order too, we are for D.C. residents speaking peacefull."
More from Bowser on Trump tweet:

"We know those tweets are meant to distract from the failures of the last four years. We know when a president attacks American cities, he is attacking America. And the job of the president is to unite us, not to divide us."
Bowser also criticizes the U.S. Attorney for D.C., a presidential appointee who also prosecutes local crime, for not processing felony warrants against "violent" demonstrators
Police Chief Newsham said 15 officers were injured in recent days, including one with a broken nose and one with "vision issues" because of a laser pointer. Did not detail the other injuries.

He said 70 percent of those arrested were not D.C. residents
Bowser said her administration is planning to reopen Black Lives Matter Plaza for traffic, no detail on timing.
Bowser's answer to my ? on whether D.C. police tactics would exacerbate tenions

"What I am worried about is this country descending into a race war, and I am worried about the continued incitement of violence from leadership who should be bringing the community together" (1/2)
"Our police and preaceful protesters will be safer when we come together as a community and tamp down this black versus white rhetoric." (2/2)
Mayor Bowser: "The president was pretty specific in his tweet at us that we need to arrest people, and I would say to the president, our officers do the hard work of making arrests."

She says federal prosecutors need to do the "hard work" of prosecuting them
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