I've been getting colonoscopies every three years for the past 20 years, because of colon cancer in my family. You may be making your first appointment. Here are my tips for getting through it. THREAD.
You'll get a sheet of instructions on bowel prep. Start your clear liquid diet 3 days before, rather than 24 or 48 hours. Trust me. You won't starve, although your tummy will be making some loud unusual sounds. Avoid caffeine, because with no food, you'll bounce off the wall.
I generally go with apple juice, jello, herb tea, broth, frozen ice pops, and seltzer. You might get a headache from caffeine withdrawal, just to warn you.
Bowel preps can differ, so be sure to read the instructions thoroughly before you start. If you are drinking a liquid, chill it down. There's no telling how fast it will work. Sometimes, it can take a couple of hours to get underway and you'll get impatient.
Just stay near a commode, though, because when it starts, it can be shockingly abrupt. This is the rough part. You'll know it's over when everything coming out of you is relatively clear. Also, don't take more bowel prep than is prescribed. Generally, drinking more water helps.
On the day of your test, you really do need to have someone take you and drive you home. Don't be a hero. Once you get there, they'll put you in a gown open to the back, and hook you up to an IV. The drugs generally put you into twilight sleep. Some people go completely under.
I've heard there are people who ask for no drugs. Honey, there's going to be a mini-garden hose up your tush, and wandering around in side. Take the drugs. Also, you will be gassy, which is embarrassing, but the medical team is used to it.
With drugs, it's a little uncomfortable, but only because it's unusual to have a mini garden hose wandering around inside you. It doesn't hurt -- at least, it doesn't hurt me. The scan is projected on a screen. Yes, that's what your insides look like! I think it's cool.
They should give you a color print out of various places inside your colon. Often, if they find a polyp, they can snip it out on the spot, and you never have to think about it again. Sometimes they leave them because they are too small for concern. Either way, don't worry.
The test lasts maybe 20 minutes, and they move you into recovery to get over your grogginess. Here's the fun part: snacks! Have some soda or juice and some munchies. Not too much yet. Because of the drugs and your bowel prep, your system will still be expelling things.
I made the mistake of going for a big lunch after my most recent test. Major error. Don't be me. Eat lightly until about dinner time. You definitely should hydrate, and now you can drink coffee. You will probably be drowsy for a few hours, so don't plan on working.
Once they analyze your polyps, you'll get a follow up call or email or message to your medical portal. If they see anything major, this will happen pretty quickly. Otherwise, it will take a few days or so. This last time, I didn't have any issues.
The most important thing: DO NOT BE AFRAID. The prep is the worst part. And if anything is worrisome, the follow up should be swift. It's been a relief every time to get that positive result. Good luck. #WakandaForever
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