things i'll be rewarding myself with once i reach my ugw ; a thread
a haircut ; i've always wanted short hair , but it makes my face look fatter . once i lose my face fat i'll look so much better .
new clothes ; many clothes don't look good on me because i'm fat . once i lose a lot of weight i'll look good in anything .
new makeup ; i've been wanting new makeup for a while , but i feel like i don't deserve it yet . once i reach my ugw i'll look so good .
my ears pierced ; i've been wanting to pierce my ears for a few years , but i've been holding it off . i feel like getting them pierced would be a great way to celebrate .
split dye ; split dye and short hair would look so good on me . after i cut my hair i'll get it dyed .
a burger and fries ; i haven't had a mcdonalds meal in a while because i don't want to be fat . once i'm skinny i'll be able to eat a full meal and feel good about it .
end of thread !
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