1/ Putting this here because I had an encounter with a grocery bagger this morning that still has me angry. But it matters to you because of the #pandemic.

My bagger was incredulous at how much I was buying. It was not that much really. But finally I explained.
2/ We shop 2x a month because we try to minimize our exposure to public places, people's exposure to us. Finally, exasperated, I added, "180k dead people is more than enough."

The bagger did not relent.

"I suppose you don't go out to eat then?"

No, we don't.

Still more.
3/ "You buy your clothes online?"

In fact, we buy everything online except these groceries.

And this whole exchange has disturbed me more as the day goes on. We've fully absorbed this pandemic into normal life.

A minor obstacle.
4/ For perspective, our #COVIDー19 #panemic equals--

>3 Vietnam Wars
>(Gulf War I + 9/11 + Afghan War + Iraq War) x 18
61 Sept 11 attacks
2 and a half months of US #abortion

But really, it's no big deal.

So we support the troops for their sacrifices. We defend the unborn.
5/ But you, dear neighbor? Yes, you might die. Or your family member might die. Or you may get terribly sick. Some of you may take months to recover.

And sure we could prevent it.

But it would be so inconvenient. So, sorry. USA. USA.

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