More BS from Amy!

Fist of all - Geroge Floyd wasn't shot. He died of an overdose.

Second - how was it that @keithellison & @IlhanMN's terrorist organization of CAIR just happened to be at the arrest sight making a video of the "killing"??

Third - BLM and Antifa decended...
on Minneapolis in record-breaking time - almost as if they were waiting in the wings for the command to riot.

Fourth - When you have a Democratic governor who gives a stand-down order to police & fire departments, & allow a city to be destroyed, it's not Trump who is to blame.
Fifth - BLM and Antifa are supported by Ellison and his son, Jeremiah, as well as Ilhan Omar. All have called for abolishing the police.

Sixth - What started in Minneapolis and spread across the country is solely due to the support of Democrats at the hands of Democrats in MN.
Seventh - YOU are a Democrat in Minnesota! A disgruntled one at that. A failed presidential bid, support for a man who sits in his basement & is just now coming out to "condemn" the protests & riots simply because he's tanking in the polls - you are as complicit in these riots...
as every other Democrat across the country who supports BLM and Antifa!

Not once have we heard you call for an end to the violence. Instead, you place blame on Trump. Where were you when a man was shot in cold blood two nights ago?

You are part of the problem.
Who has called for violence in the past? Democrats. Who is out in the streets, protesting? Democrats. Who refuses to call for an end to the violence? Democrats.

"It is happening under Donald Trump's watch."

How many Democrats have refused help from @realDonaldTrump?
The Governor of MN, @GovTimWalz, refused to call in the National Guard initially - said it would be 19 year-old cooks responding. In addition, he encouraged the protests. A DEMOCRAT, encouraging protests, which spread across the country.
Your quote, @amyklobuchar -

"We have a president that literally stands on the people’s lawn in violation of the Hatch Act, stands on the lawn with a bunch of pageantry and a bunch of fancy clothes with arias playing from the balcony and says, ‘oh, do you want to be safe?’"
Your pettiness is on full display, and it's ugly.

The people's lawn includes Republicans. It isn't exclusive to Democrats. Millions voted Trump into office - millions who can claim it as their lawn also!

The constant efforts to discredit Trump have failed.
Trying a new tactic of blaming Trump for Democratic supported violence across the country will also fail.

Democrats are failures. Hillary failed. You've never gotten over that fact.

YOU are the problem. Democrats are the problem.

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