1. We now Trump's strategy is going to be flan flames of racial hatred. No shocker there but the key is how to react. What we can expect is a Willie Horton a day amplification of the "Black people are a threat" & the media, even well meaning folks at @MSNBC will help amplify it.
2. While we are watching endless days of justifiable outrage that the recent shooting caused, note that the people these police are shooting are not civic leaders of the black community but people with checkered pasts who make great posters for the "fear the Blacks" GOP fascist
3. campaign. Trump will travel to the scene of one of his most recent crimes where his incitement clearly lead to a seven shot assassination attempt as part of the Trump-Koch fascist coup to end our democratic system and install a police state that serves the corporate
4. interests of Trump's donor base while feeding red meat to his evil knuckle dragging KKK base of mass murderers in waiting. And all the while we amplify the same message that Trump wants us to amplify and slowly but surely the monster is rising in the polls.
5. It's time for a little tough love. The only way we are going to deal with systemic racism is to elect @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. That's it. It's not complicated, and it won't change. If we lose, Black Americans will become a permanent underclass in Apartheid America. Win and
6. the Trump fascists including his police death squads will be going to prison to rot.

The BLM protest that @Kaepernick7 started has been transformative. It has reached across racial lines to garner broad support. But remember it was a peaceful protest. Trump is trying to
7. change that to become violent. He is going to fan the flames of hate in #Kenosha & it is all too tempting to take the bait. We need not just "good trouble" we need "smart trouble." Right now, for the next 64 days, the only focus should be on getting out the vote. Nothing else.
8. The news should be about the KKK member's son soiling our @whitehouse who allows thousands of Americans to die every month because he's an incompetent uneducated pig. We mourn for the families who have lost loved ones to Trump deaths squads. I cannot imagine the pain and
9. anger that comes with a police death squad assassination of a loved one. We should never lose sight of the harm being caused, but this is civil war and the only place the battle can be won is at the polls on Nov. 4. Make the deaths and misery mean something. End all street
10. protests in every city but DC. Yes I said it. I was against having protests in DC because I knew Trump and his GRU pals would use it and they did. But the bright lights of DC media made it bad for Trump who cowers in the bunker in an adult diaper while Americans he can hear
11. demand justice. So let evil pass over Kenosha. And begin a daily peoples' march to register voters for November in DC. Keep it peaceful and keep it loud. Fill the streets of DC daily with people who peacefully demand change. If we are attacked by Trump and Barr's death squads
12. take it. Film it and put that on @MSNBC on a loop. Make Trump look like the craven cowardly rat he is, and he will crash in the polls. Take it to DC and don't stop until we win. #EyesOnThePrize. @SpeakerPelosi @WhipClyburn @SenateGOP @MarkMeadows @costareports @maddow
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