A message to my RGV HS Athletes:

IDK who is selling you this fallacy that Athletics is the way out the Valley. The harsh reality is only 1-3 of your teammates will be offered a JUCO - D1 scholarship. If any at all.

I am a 4rm Mercedes 6’5 300 lb OL class of 2012. I made it out
I got a scholarship and did what I did in Football and Track and Field even winning a national Championship with Texas A&M. Athletics didn’t get me out it was my EDUCATION. Scouts and Coaches will understand the gap in your season. They’re facing the pandemic too.
We are in the midst of a global pandemic and what you do now is what will get you that spot/scholarship! Raise your ACT/SAT SCORE. Raise your GPA. Continue your working out/diet. Improve your community. Start a business/non profit around a cause you hold dear. That’s what will
set you apart from any other recruit during this time. Don’t just be idle - create change. For those of you in your SR SZN and approaching 18. Register to vote, help your community and teammates register to vote. Athletics is NOT your only ticket out the valley. If you’re not
Academically grounded, you will return to the valley and talk about your HS/college days like Uncle RICO. Remember you are a Student first, Athlete second. Take it from me as a latino 1st generation college student making over 6 figures now in mid 20’s your education will break
the generational shackles not the athletics. Remember every action has a reaction and your story is just beginning. Follow your dreams! I am here to mentor my Raza. Here to serve as a bridge to my community. Here to talk to you! Please PM me.

Go Tigers!
You can follow @Grady_Throws.
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