There's one event that explains the GOP philosophy so perfectly that I can't stop thinking about:

In 2017, @daveweigel tweeted a photo of one of Trump's rallies, not realizing it'd been taken before T arrived. He was told as much and deleted it.

Trump demanded an apology. 1/3
And so, owning up to the mistake, @daveweigel apologized. 2/3
At which point Trump responded by going all "a ha! he admitted it!" and demanding that Dave be fired.

The point is that they make demands, then when demands are met, they they make more demands, using the meeting of the first demand as proof of... something. 3/3
And I'm seeing the same sort of thing play out here.

"Why won't Biden denounce riots!?"
"He did. Here's his most recent statement doing exactly that."
"Why did he wait SO LONG, huh?"
"He didn't. He also spoke out about them in May."
"Why didn't he mention 'antifa by name'?" etc
And sadly, a lot of the time, the press treats these goofy games as though they're legitimate and not just bad faith concern trolling exercises.
Meanwhile, a Trump supporter was straight up mailing bombs to his Dem rivals right before the 2018 midterms, and the collective GOP response seemed to be to alternate between arguing that they weren't *really* bombs and asking why they should have to denounce anyone.
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