Hot take: I really dislike ISOCs. A group of polite bullies recreating ethnocentric hierarchies that would never thrive in a secular space because of "banter" nepotism.

The moment they see an outsider with merit, they delegate them to a peripheral role.
And all these boys/girls who are only comfortable taking on leadership roles amongst Muslims, and who struggle to speak to a white audience or advocate for Muslims without the activists they constantly chastise suddenly monopolise positions of leadership because...?
Anyone who disagrees with me is likely from the ethnic group that dominated their ISOC so I don't want to hear it lol
I will say the most disappointing experience for me at QMUL was the ISOC because I was so excited to meet other Muslims until I saw it's a space where community and talent goes to die lol

Muslims really need to move past this obsession with delegation and "leading".
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