There is no question that the Democrat Party tried to legitimize political violence.

No amount of gaslighting can conceal it.

If you don't punish them for it harshly at the ballot box - even after they back down because their polls are crashing - you WILL get more of it.
Political violence is a toxin we don't want in our system AT ALL. We must send a message that terrifies future politicians out of toying with violence. We need them pumping the brakes as soon as the idea is floated, not after they run some polls and conclude it's a loser.
We've seen how much active complicity from Democrat mayors, governors, national political figures, and media was needed to get these riots rolling. You want all of those forces to say no - HELL NO - the next time a violent left-wing political crusade gets ginned up.
And we need them to change their messaging to supporters. For years the Dems have been sending signals that violent "resistance" is at least understandable, if not glamorous and laudable. People don't get the sense they can get away with violence and destruction out of nowhere.
The Left has been attacking the legitimacy of the American system for generations. It went into overdrive after Hillary lost in 2016. It went absolutely, indisputably open and mainstream. "You don't need to accept elections that don't go your way" was the explicit message.
The corollary of that message is that righteous left-wing crusaders don't have to accept ANY of the impediments to power built into our system. People who disagree with you are inferior, even subhuman! Everything from government force to mob tactics is fair game against them!
It would be incredibly dangerous to let Democrats survive politically after what they've done - especially if their idiotic "it's all Trump's fault!" spin works to their advantage. Their takeaway will be that violence works. They stand a chance to profit from abusing their power.
The BEST you could hope for in the future would be violent oppression - do as the ruling Democrat Party says, or their paramilitary wing will make you suffer, with anything from online harassment to physical assault. You'll be blamed for inviting oppression by resisting.
And the worst would be all-out political warfare, as every faction decides it needs to demonstrate a capacity for street violence before the political class will take it seriously. The mark of REAL power will be getting a pass from all the rules that bind everyone else.
Remember that anarchy is ALWAYS the herald of tyranny. No triumph of anarchy is ever followed by an era of greater personal freedom, dignity, or justice. The first thing the victorious "resistance" always does is make sure nobody can ever resist THEM. /end
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