THREAD: We often talk about circular debt, military spending, and debt servicing as major budgetary items that contribute to Pakistan's fiscal crisis.

But in recent years, a new monster has emerged, threatening fiscal stability at the federal and provincial level.

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Growing pensions have become a major issue across the board. According to the World Bank, "costs grew since 2012 from about 4.5% of provincial fiscal revenues in Sindh and 6.7% in Punjab to about 12% of provincial revenues in 2019."
According to @hasaankhawar, "pensions in Punjab have been growing at 24% per annum, outpacing 13% growth in revenue receipts by a wide margin. In K-P, the pension payments have grown by a whopping 7.8 times in nominal terms over the last 10 years."
@AliKhizar has dived deeper, showing that "Pension liabilities have grown by 6 times, while the consolidated tax revenues are up by a mere 2.7 times. As percentage of taxes, pension expense grew from 9 percent to 21 percent in the last decade."

Houston, we have a problem.
The structure of pensions has created perverse incentives. Here's @AliKhizar: "In 2006-10, the early retirement to total retirees in Punjab was 22 percent. This increased to 26 percent by 2011-15; and in 2019, the toll stood at a whopping 63 percent."

Why should you care?
This creates a vicious cycle:

- Scare resources are diverted away from human and economic development towards pensions
- Govts borrow more to meet pension obligations, crowding out the private sector
- Large deficits --> inflation --> reduced purchasing power for citizens
Solving this crisis can convert a vicious cycle into a virtuous one:

- It deepens financial markets
- Professionally run pension funds can generate solid returns for government employees and their families
- The funds can be used to finance long-term investments - housing etc.
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