How to raise a daughter to become a high value woman.

Aside from preserving her value, a daughter faces 2 dilemmas that should concern a father.

1. To develop her femininity
2. To pursue independence

Choosing 1 makes her vulnerable to abuse. Choosing 2 destroys her happiness.

One choice will always come at the cost of the other.
To protect a daughter, means to raise her to become independant.

To not be at the mercy of any man. To be able to stand on her feet,

and look after herself if necessary.

She must develop a degree of masculine traits to achieve this.

A necessary damage to her femininity.
She must know that her pursuit of independance comes at a great cost;

motherly happiness with a husband.

But a cost she should pay out of self-preservation.

And to know when to stop paying it.
Independance for a daughter should be pursued just enough to make her stave off misery.

But then to reclaim her feminine nature and seek to embrace a motherly role.

Because meaning can only be found when she embraces her nature.
True happiness for a daughter is found when she embodies her feminine role and relies on a man for support.

When she seeks to submit to him & support his ambitions in every way.
She must understand that a man to lead her, is in her best interest.

That her feminine nature descends into chaos without a mans order.

She should seek to fortify his leadership, and support his decision & raise their children in unity.
A daughter must understand that her value is preserved through sex.

And that the more she abstains from it, the more power she has in negotiation with a high value man.

The further she delays it, the more respect she can demand.
She must understand and seek to only be in relationships where the man,

is worthy of being a partner & also a father.

And to stay clear of men incapable of having a fatherly outlook.

Real men respect fathers.
A daughter must understand to not leverage her looks on society.

That imposing her will with her beauty is narcissistic.

That the more modest she behaves, the higher quality men she attracts.

Her feminine nature must reject arrogance while embracing

humility & grace.
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