The protests *are* “mostly peaceful.” That segment was about the massive contrast between daytime protests and nighttime escalations.
For the most part, media coverage has started to ignore the protests that don’t escalate, instead heaping attention on the ones that do.

Protests are legitimate. Protests are justified. Protests are a protected right that we should all defend.
You don’t hear much about the protests that don’t escalate. Even the CPD had to acknowledge that these are largely peaceful.
Also, the “Biden hasn’t condemned violence! Or he waited months to condemn violence” (the latter being the argument made once you point out his most recent statement) nonsense... it’s a lie.

From MAY:
None of these are pro-Biden protests. People protesting may loathe Trump, but I’d be willing to argue that they’re not exactly big Biden fans, either.

Police brutality is a problem that predates Trump.
Also, the people protesting are protesting AGAINST the action (or inaction) of their cities’ mayors/government/etc.
I get that it makes for a neat little “Dems vs. Reps” storyline, but protests are not a collection of hardcore partisans. When’s the last time you saw someone wearing a Biden shirt at a riot?
The people being protested against are the Ted Wheelers, Lori Lightfoots, Bill di Blasios, Eric Garcettis of the world. If Biden was president, they’d be protesting him as well. Wanting unchecked police violence to stop isn’t partisan.
The reason states and cities are reluctant to accept federal “help” from Trump isn’t as a way to stick it to him, but because whenever he’s done that it’s only escalated matters.
Exactly. There seems to be a lot of reluctance in the press to acknowledge that these are not people trying to get a certain electoral outcome, but that they’re revolting against a system that allows the state to execute with impunity
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