Sick of having to have this argument Over and over again. But for anyone who is interested here is a long and rambly thread explaining why I think cripping up is so dangerous and so wrong based on my experience as a disabled person.
I lost my sight and went blind in my early twenties. I had Spent my 1st 20 or so years completely ignorant to any sort of disabled lead work and just consuming the same mainstream culture that everyone' Else does.
This meant that when I became disabled I thought my life was over. My career was over. My social life was over. My love life was over. Because that is what we are taught about disabled people by the toxic and unhealthy way they are represented everywhere you look
I no longer had the same opportunities open to me. I found that the world defined me based on the lies about disabled people represented in mainstream culture. But even worse thats how I defined myself.
Cripping up Not only robs great disabled actors of work it also robs disabled people of the right to tell their stories and of redefining the toxic narrative that defines us..
The only way I managed to get my head strait about becoming disabled was by seeking out and listening to brilliant disabled voices. But not everyone gets that opportunity and platforms for these voices are far too rare.
Imagine if I had spent those 1st 20 years being exposed to a wonderfully diverse range of people on screen, on stages and everywhere I looked. I don't think my transition to being disabled would have been anywhere near as difficult. I could have avoided years of torment and pain.
One of the many interesting things about disability is that it could happen to anyone at any time. I am the living proof of that. So when you talk about disabled people you are potentially talking about yourself and everyone you love.
And I hope with all my heart that if @piersmorgan or any of his loved ones ever find themselves disabled then they might be met with a world with a more welcoming attitude to disability than I was.
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