✨✨Katycats: the Best Marketing and Sales Team of Katy Perry thread✨✨
1. KatyCats showing their best talents and art through edited videos, commercial videos, and creative posts to promote #Smile to😍😍✨ everybody. 🎪🎪Credits @PERRYIODT 🎪🎪 #KatySmile #KatyPerrySMILE
3. Talented KatyCats showing and pulling off their amazing lewks with their #Smile inspired make-ups✨💖👏🔥🔥 Who could even say more that Katy didn't influences us a lot. 😍😍😍🔥💖💖 Awesome Talents! Credits to these artists♥️♥️♥️💯 #Smile #KatyPerrySMILE #KatySmile
4. Lastly, KatyCats doing #Smile Funding In support for Katy's KP5 #Smile album😊🙃🤡🎪 Organized by @PerryGagaSwifty via GofundMe for International KatyCats (previously organized also for Daisies). And the Filo KatyCats teaming up for our local fund handling by @PERRYIODT +++
+++We know you've this film before and you didn't like the ending. But Wait😊
We are trying our best putting our collaboration to make this happen within this week and reach our goals by tweeting & promotions
Lets hope for the best!
DONATE NOW FOR #SMILE http://bit.ly/TheSMILEFund 
2. KatyCats organizing a Twitter trends and Streamings in every social media sites esp Facebook and Twitter showing hardworking and dedication for this fandom for #Smile ✨✨✨ A selfless act to do such thing 💖💖💖🎪👏👏👏✨🎉 #KatySmile #KatyPerrySMILE
Let me know if I missed anything 😊😁
KatyCats should be on Katy Perry's team from designing team, sales and marketing team, sounds engineering, production etc. This fandom is complete to hire😁😊😅😅👏👏👏
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