You have to understand that most because we are of different cultures in Asia does not mean we are a minority. It is impossible to keep up with the history of every culture. We don't ask you to follow our ways so don't ask us to be as upset as you about CA, a western thought
Asian countries especially 3rd World Nations face so many issues in our daily life. We're fighting for our lives and feeedom struggling to survive and hence CA is definitely not going to be in our range of priorities especially when it doesnt even exist in Asia.
Also, the west always want us to know only their history but they really never bother to learn about ours. The number of times our culture has been misinterpreted and "appropriated" is immense but no one there cares really about how our cultures are being portrayed
Even Lizzo has "appropriated" Asian Culture. That's my point. We do not see most things as appropriation, for us it's only appreciation and quite frankly it is unfair to ask us to conform to a western thought process and stop this beautiful culture exchange that we have in Asia
I love seeing foreigners wear a saree and I can say that many other Asians enjoy it when people wear clothing native to their culture.
We might not be blacks but we are POC. We have also been marginalized. I'm an Indian and my ancestors were slaves to the British. Please do not undermine the way we look at things either. We respect your views so please understand ours as well. Do not force us to conform.
Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but we ask you to respect our opinions as well. Just because we do not call out CA the same way as you does not mean we do not support BLM. We are not performative activists, we're also human.
PS: Please this is just my perspective from what I've experienced & the people I've spoken to and the environment I grew up in & the bit of culture studies I did. My main post was how CA doesn't matter as much to us as it does to the west. You are all free to disagree of course.
There are thousands of cultures across the world. It is simply impossible to know the history of every one of them & very often the facets of different cultures overlap so it is difficult to draw a clear line. What is in your culture could also be a part of someone else's culture
Since this thread blew up I want to clarify one thing. This is only about how the concept of CA isn't big in Asia. Disrespect yes but CA no. I am speaking from my perspective as a mainland Asian. This thread doesn't apply to Diaspora as I am not one nor am I speaking abt the west
I don't know if you know it or not but the idea of 'dreadlocks' have their origin in Hindu Vedic scriptures from India. I can cite sources if you want. No culture can claim monopoly over hairstyles or clothing especially since many cultures are thousands of years old.
Hi! So few things to explain where I came from

> I'm an Indian. In fact since the Dravidian culture is the oldest a lot of cultures adopt from our culture but we're hardly credited.

> We don't say anything though. The same way you're entitled to your opinions. Let us be
> I'm not speaking for all Asians, I am aware that discrimination with Asia exists. With so many cultures its impossible for there not to be power imbalance

> We do not use the term CA here to describe power imbalances and racial slurs. At least from my experience.
> That said because we have so many issues in our own continent we aren't going to be up in arms over western CA when we have to fight for ourselves as well.

> Nor are the west going to care about what we are going through
> Once again, to my fellow Asians and the rest of the world. I am speaking from my perspective and experience. My words are not the blanket statements for the rest of the community. This is my opinion and the reason why I do not jump on the CA issue everytime it comes up.
Also PS: The only reason I tweeted about this was because apparently I was anti-black because I did not call out CA when in fact the reason is because we have so many other issues in my country that CA is not the first thing on my list of priorities
And I was trying to explain that since English is not our dominant language and we have many cultures there are many who may not be clear with how exactly those in west term and define CA as
However this does not extend and cover anything sacrilegious. If you take something sacrilegious of another country and use it then ut becomes offensive.
Clarifying my first statement. CA in Asia isnt seen the same way. We also have ethnic minority discrimination. But we also have a lot more appreciation than the west & calling us out for wearing your culture when a lot of it originated from ours is unfair.
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