non American black people can be some of the biggest coons on earth omg. I’m really starting to realize it’s due to privilege. Africans and Caribbeans have the privilege of coming from black nations which is why they have such ignorant and whitewashed views on race relations.
Adele wearing bantu knots is problematic and shouldn’t have been done, not it’s not that big of a deal and no it’s not worth cancelling her or dragging her for. It’s just noted. She’s still a very nice lady. I don’t why y’all think it’s mutually exclusive.
all these UK babes being myopic about the hairstyle is very funny to me. Can y’all wear bantu knots in corporate positions? I remember reading an article about a girl’s petition to end hair discrimination in the UK. That’s why yt people wearing bantu knots is a problem GLOBALLY
I think because the UK is such a conservative place and you all are black immigrants or children of black immigrants, y’all forget the microagressions African Americans face are the ones y’all face too. That’s why anti blackness is a worldwide problem.
I don’t know how African Americans pointing about Adele’s hairstyle turned into an all out dragging fest for them and unnecessary ass insults for them. No they don’t have the right to speak on Carnival because it’s Caribbean, but they can speak on the bantu knots. It’s black.
I’m seeing some super offensive tweets about African Americans coming from black people around the world which is funny because they are the most revolutionary group of black people in the whole diaspora. Without their constant fight, none of us would enjoy certain things.
Shebi last week everyone was doing Black Lives Matter all over the world now it’s they are dramatic. At the end of the day, they understand race relations better than any other group of black people in the world because they’ve had to deal with it for several generations.
I would be a super coon (As a Nigerian American), if I didn’t grow up with African Americans and the about the atrocities committed against our race. Shebi some of you were saying you never learned about what Belgium did to Congo. That happened in our own land.
I’m fully convinced that left to most Africans, I’m sure we would just breeze past colonization and move on. I know kids in Nigeria that don’t even understand the how fucked Africa is because of oyinbos. That’s why they leave Africa go abroad and start cooning. They don’t know.
I’ve said what I said. No African Americans aren’t the only black people and should not speak for all black people all over the world. However their mentality towards race relations is very justified and quite advanced.
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