My mind really does consist of random ass useless facts 😭😭

Sometimes, I’ll state a fact out loud thinking it’s interesting if it’s relevant to the conversation and people will be like ?? 🤨 okay

... like my bad. I was just saying
Did y’all know menstrual blood has stem cells in it?
All my lil random facts going in here that I think bout.
The word avocado originated from an Aztec word that meant testicle.
There was a serial killer named Richard Chase. He would choose his victims based on if their door was locked or not. If it was locked, he wasn’t welcome there. If it wasn’t, he saw it as an invitation. I think about this every time I lock my doors.
NASA started a project in the 1960’s with a male dolphin and a woman to study the emotional attachment between humans and animals. The relationship became sexual and when the program got shut down, the Dolphin killed himself bc he was so sad without the human he fell for.
Leonardo Da Vinci rarely changed clothes. When he died, he had to be cut out of his clothes. When they took his shoes off that he had been wearing for years, his skin came off with it.
Adult dogs view their owners the same way toddlers view their parents.
Dogs like chew toys that squeak, because it mimic’s the sound of their prey. They also like toys that crunch, because it sounds like bones cracking.
Has your dog ever ripped the squeaker out of its toy? They do this because they think as long as it squeaks, it’s alive.
Male zebras will kidnap female zebras to rape them. If the female they kidnap happens to be pregnant, they will rape the zebra until the baby dies.

I guess men are awful in every single species 😭
And if the baby survives, it’ll kill it when it’s born.
The song “who let the dogs out” is not about dogs at all. It’s a man bashing song. The dogs were the men. It was about how men catcalled women.
Paul Rudd’s parents are second cousins.
You know how they say witches “ride” brooms? they did, but not in the way you think. Witches would literally stick brooms inside of them covered in psychedelic herbs so they could trip.
Do you like fig newtons? Well, figs aren’t actually a fruit. They’re an inverted flower. And flowers need to be fertilized. They’re fertilized when a wasp crawls inside of it and dies.
I feel like this is common knowledge ?? But you’ll be surprised. Anyways... Gandhi and Mother Theresa were horrible people. Google it.
Big Bird was supposed to be on Challenger Space to help teach kids about space. But they wouldn’t allow him to get on, because his costume was too big and wouldn’t fit.

It ended up breaking apart and killing everyone on board. His costume saved his life
Lmk if I should do more ❤️❤️ I could go all day 😭😂
If a horse attempts to vomit, it will explode before it could.
Horses teeth take up more space in their head than their brain.
Horse produce about ten gallons of spit PER DAY
My head is a walking history book. I add to this all the time. I’m done for now, but I’ll be back.
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