>Rusev says Birds of Prey is the worst movie he's ever seen

>Sensitive ass feminists attack him

>Some of them say "this is why he was released"

>One even goes as far as to say that Lana should leave him

Yes. Because Rusev deserves to have his wife divorce him because (1/?)
he didn't enjoy a film.

Now, I usually don't shit on things because of the fanbase, but...

Holy shit. Birds of Prey has officially become the exception. You people are so fucking abhorrent and stupid.

I already hated this movie's existence because of how it looked, but (2/?)
now I hate it even more because the fucking Twitter feminist army has to ALWAYS attack someone when they criticize BOP.


NO. The people who hate this movie don't hate women. They hate shitty and in-name only adaptions of popular comic books (3/?)
,and that's exactly what fucking Birds of Prey is.

BOP is fucking garbage, and no amount of bitching and attacking people who don't like it is going to fucking change that.

Fuck this movie. Full stop.
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