I think I need to do a self-commentary to comfort my scared soul working on this art piece so I'll do it in this thread, hopefully ppl can mute threads?

It'll be a boring thread btw cos I won't really reveal what's going on it'll just be my inner suffering state of mind rant
I really hope I can screen record this one so I'm just trying to download brushes that I might need orz

Also I forgot I can base color first to delay my agony xD
I'm still base coloring.. getting exhausted alr why orz

Also I'm really bad at picking colors

Also. Idk how to name my layers they're like

"White 2"
"White under"
"White edge"
Just finished work, time to art \\o/ i need to finish base coloring today man really, no time to spare
yo I've been at it for 2h and I'm only done with the midground AHAHAHAA


it's kay the rest should be much faster

problem is I still need to choose the colors, they're just in diff layers with ugly base colors
Never thought the day would come where I spend more than 5 hours base coloring one single art piece

gotta think twice about going into scene art huffs
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