Our recent study is on the front page of @derspiegel! Germany's most visited news website!

Translated title:
"Electric cars emit much less CO2 than assumed so far"

Let me give links to the original study and a quick article summary in English.
Here is a link to the study in English:

Here in German:

The initiative for the study came from @Oliver_Krischer and @DanielDholstein and they translated to German.
Thx guys!

It will be on their website in two hours.
I would also like to thank Christian Bauer of @psich_en.
I don't know him but he took the trouble to give it an informal peer review and concluded (translated): "The study is cleanly executed and explains plausibly how big the advantages of electric vehicles already are."
The first reason our study is positive, is because negative studies all use outdated battery emissions. E.g. the infamous IFO study uses a 2017 report that claims every kWh emits 175 kg CO2. The 2019 update is 85 kg. And @tesla its new impact study shows 77 kg in 2019.
The second is that car batteries and cars themselves last longer than often assumed. My analysis from EU data shows that modern cars last over 250 000 km on average. (Also in the US by the way.) More details in the study (see also the pictures.)
A disputed point is whether you should include the decreasing CO2 emissions of the car over the lifetime. Christian Bauer takes the current mix (400 gr/kWh) while I think you should make a conservative best estimate over the lifetime of the vehicle (250 gr/kWh). See also study.
Bottom line for me: don't trash talk the electric vehicle based on conservative and outdated assumptions but use up to date scientific data and you will see it scores much better in all EU countries already. /end
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