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1. When Gon couldn’t use Nen for 30 days and expressed how frustrating it was to feel so weak.

Before this Bisky tells Killua he will leave Gon to die one day so he promises to protect Gon no matter what, and after thatβ€” it’s a Goodbye.
2. When Killua fought with Rammot, expressing how much he din’t want to lose Gon, and cries over not being able to protect him properly
3. When Killua tells Palm that he can’t do anything to help him (Gon) and that only she can do it. He then procedes to completely break down :(
β€” here it is ☹️
4. When Killua was in the hospital looking at Gon through the window

(here he finally realizes that this time, Gon must alologize as he is constantly cleaning up after Gon’s mess ☹️ *cry w me pls*)
5. Killua cried while being confronted by Illumi, who wanted to take Alluka/Nanika from him
6. Killua cries after realizing that he needs to love and protect Nanika just as much as Alluka
7. This was from one of the HxH movies, Killua tries to end his life after he felt he betrayed Gon, he didn’t feel worthy to be by his side anymore
BONUS: i like to imagine Killua had a serious breakdown and cried while cradling Gon after the big jajanken explosionβ€” seeing him (Gon) unconcious and just knowing he couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to..
You’re Welcome, have a nice day😌β™₯️
p.s. imagine if Gon saw all these crying scenes of Killua tho...
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