heehee this a good chance to info dump about my boy :) So his name is Ishvar Tenebris. Tenebris literally just means dark in latin and Ishvar is inspired from Shara Ishvalda from Monster Hunter World. ((other answers below!)) https://twitter.com/cerise_noire8/status/1300212694277074944
2 - his bday is 17th of September and he's 18 years old :)
3 - He is a cis male and he is gay
4 - He is 100% human, and no, he isnt Lilith's descendant (its complicated)
5 - He was a student and mostly had to take care of his 8 siblings,,
6 - he is 5'10 and 68kg!
7 - Mephisto. You know? the demon that gets mentioned like 4 times throughout the game. Their dynamic is hyper dumbass (Mephisto) + stoic dumbass (Ishvar).
8 - his eyes
and thats all! In september i'll be focusing on him and Mephisto a lot!!
9 - Nope!
10 - Honestly idk ;;
11 - Nope Again!!
12 - He wears anything thats either comfortable and/or things that fit his "aesthetic" aka sense of fashion which must include sunglasses like these,,
13 - Yep! He doesnt know it but he has earth magic and +
+ he cant use it/control it but it can happen when his emotions overflow. Its also the reason he's in Devildom instead of Lilith's descendant lmao. He literally opened up a hole in the ground that made him fall to Devildom lol.
That's All and TY for this thread @cerise_noire8!!!
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