i miss anime cons so much i miss trying to listen to five conversations at once while everyones in the hotel unpacking & suddenly someone pulls out an anime plush and holds it up goes "the boy" and every convo stops to look at the boy
i miss being like "i need a wig break" and going up to the hotel room and you open the door and two other friends are bald eating snacks with all their artist alley and dealers purchases sprawled on the bed
i miss throwing my shit on someones bed absentmindedly while im rushing to a shoot and i come back and theyre like "your shits on my bed!" and then we all go out to dinner
i miss seeing komaeda cosplayers and saying to whichever friend or passerby is next to me "hey theres komaeda" like a kneejerk reaction and i dont even play danganronpa
i miss seeing the one obscure cosplayer from that one thing that maybe five ppl know about and going up to them like ARE YOU __ FROM ___ and theyre like !!!!!! YES O_O and then you guys kiss passionately in front of the $10 ramune booth
i miss the $10 ramune booth.....i miss seeing the hella overpriced snacks the fuckin $6 pocky and $15 mochi and being like..... Man these snacks look kinda good rn actually
i miss seeing the 13 year old kids running around all excited with their one or two pals and theyre wearing casual clothes with a bnha or black butler wig and they geek out at EVERY booth in the dealers room without missing a beat and are balls of joy
i miss those booths that sell steampunk swag and theyre always run by bearded middle aged men who dont stop talking and theyre like "what are u lookin for" and im like "idk im just here" and theyre like "these goggles are genuine leather" and im like "woah"
i miss being backstage with my friends and we're sitting on the ground cross legged passing around the cbd gummies and tiger balm and snacks and putting my yarn doll and golden card in the center of our circle and us creating a circle of comfort and positive thoughts
i miss walking through the crowded ass dealers hall half blind as ciel and trying to shimmy past a crowd and i hear a muffled "ciel phantomhive" from behind me and when i turn around there is no source to the voice. like a wave crashing onto the shore
this thread is making rounds so check this out.....me and my pals from anext last year 🥺 REMEMBER keep your masks on, swap em out every 4 hours if you can, and social distance/dont hang with big groups! lets see this thang to the end and THEN focus on going to cons ✊
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