It’s really not as simple as just “educating you all.” As a criminology major it feels like common sense bc you and all your peers learn about this shit everyday for 4+ years, I didn’t even realize this stuff wasn’t common knowledge until recently.
It’s not like it’s a secret, it’s just that nobody teaches you unless you specifically ask, like if it’s your career lol. Cops sure as fuck aren’t going to tell you these things, and it’s not like criminologists don’t want to, it’s just that there’s SO MUCH, there’s
literally an entire science dedicated to it. Im not referring to any specific rate or statistic in this tweet specifically, there’s literally so many. I quit 5 years in and I wasn’t even done yet, I cannot possibly list off all of them in a tweet.
It’s not like this is the type of shit you go over in ur chemistry or business classes, so if you’ve never taken a criminology class before this stuff will probably never come up at all, which is why I think it should be required lol
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