I want to talk to you Trumpers who are always talking about "I'm an American! I'm A Patriot!" Are ya? Let's break it down, first of all you back a man who has been doing business with Russia since 1987. Maybe that's why they are helping him, "business." So after 13 intel agencies
came out and said "Yeah, Russia is helping Trump" Why is it so hard to believe that Trump, is helping Russia? But you "Americans" don't seem to care, in fact some of you wore shirts saying "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat." Would ya? Let's talk about why you follow this man
...You're an "American" a "Patriot" right? Yet back a guy who has done all he can to destroy all that makes America great. Free Press, the "Enemy of the people?" I find it funny the same press and the same reporters that you BELIEVED during Obama/Biden and Nixon are "Enemies"
Is it because everything they find on Trump is shit on toast? From 6 bankruptcies, 3 wives, 34 sexual assault allegations, a rape case with a 13 year old girl that got settled 16 days before the election. Wonder what that check looked like?
But you "Americans" seem to be cool
...with it. Even though they didn't find shit on W, or John McCain, or Mitt Romney. For some reason you think that this failed casino owner, reality television hack is being attacked. Maybe he's just a shit human, we have some witnesses for that, Cohen, Scaramuchi, Lev Parness ..
These are all people that knew him well, yet you "Americans" won't believe his crime partners. People he bailed on, cuz they talked. On the other hand you get Roger Stone, General Flynn, who both got convicted, Flynns sentence dumped, Stone set free. Rule of law, dead. Americans?
I see you at the rallies. All wearing the same shit that he made money on, from you. You claim to be "Patriots" wearing American flag shirts and stars and stripes size 48 cargo shorts, getting your armpit sweat and ball-cheese all over, desecrating the flag. American's? Really?
Even funnier is that you claim to be Christians yet follow this man who paid off a porn star with campaign funds while his illegal immigrant wife was home with a newborn. Followers of Christ? Are you kidding me? Blasphemers, Bullshitters. And this is the LEAST of his crimes.
I know why you like him, you think "He's like me!" You mean the guy that never worked a day in his life whose Daddy handed him 400 million when he died, that guy? Does that sound like you? But you back him up. No matter what. 200 Thousand
countrymen dead cuz he shit the bed and
You back HIM? Let a democrat kill 200k with incompetence and see how you act. Patriots? You kidding me? Cult members, that's what you are. No matter what he does, no matter who he fucks over, you just keep cheering. You ARE like him, Evil, malevolent, ignorant and UnAmerican.
You're fine with him destroying all we have ever stood for, screwing our allies the Kurds by pulling out of Syria because Putin asked him . They got slaughtered and the Russians are now occupying a military base our soldiers built and we paid for. And you celebrate this asshole.
The soldiers who built that base are members of the great American Military that Putin put bounties on and Trump didn't even ask him about it, and you don't care. Daddy cult leader even gets a pass on letting our soldiers be killed. You have the balls to call yourselves Patriots?
"All men created equal" one of the most American phrases we have, yet our black countrymen are getting killed daily and you "Patriots" keep popping off reasons why the guy that was shot seven times in the back "deserved it" but the 17 year old that showed up with an AR-15
to kill people, and murders two, is just defending himself? I hear so much bullshit EVERY TIME a black guy gets shot, or mumbles out his last breath while he calls for his Mom and dies because a grown man is kneeling on his neck.
You "Patriots" are fine with it.
We used to be together, the greatest generation took down Germany and Japan, we had heart and were liberators, we sacrificed for each other. We saved people from concentration camps, now, on our border, we have concentration camps. And you fukrs cheer.
So as the rule of law becomes something in a history book. While black people are murdered with no consequence, we watch the presidents henchmen commit crime with impunity and are let go, and Trump adds to his 22000 lies and tomorrow another 1000 die, you need to know "Patriots"
....that you can call yourself whatever you want. Magats, Trumpers, Deplorables, whatever. You can fly the confederate flag over your truck with the truck nuts because YOU don't have any. But you can't call yourself "Americans."
You don't know what the word even means.
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