I’m watching The Karate Kid for the first time in many years and...Daniel just casually drops that his mom is out there because of a ROCKET SCIENCE COMPUTER JOB??
WHY is the movie not about this? A single rocket scientist mom from New Jersey whose son won’t stop kicking stuff??
Look I’m not accusing anyone of anything but the Karate Kid II is in 1986 and the Challenger disaster was in 1986 And Lorraine LaRusso...I’m just saying.
Ralph Macchio was 23?!!!
Daniel-San gets kicked in the head 26 times and not once does an adult suggest getting medical attention, in case you’re wondering why your dads are like this, gen Z.
Ok but so does Mr Miyagi steal cars.
Again, I am entirely here for a movie in which a car thieving apartment super also trains a kid in karate on the side.
Here is my question. Did Mr Miyagi already know a good way to build muscle memory was to do these specific chores and thus decide to build an entire deck and paint his house just to teach Daniel?
Like do all traditional karate teachers just have their house painted over and over by aspiring students
Ah, Lake Reseda
Seriously it’s nice they took some time to train in the Italian countryside
Is it...it feels like neither of these boys is very good at karate?
The movie just stops! It just stops immediately! I love it. I love it.
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