What is mental toughness?

<A Thread>

Your mind is like a muscle: the more you train it, the better it works for you.

When you push what you think is your “limit,” your mind realizes

“Hey, I survived that! I can totally do this again, no prop.”

This is what I like to call...
*Comfort Zone Expansion*

Your comfort zone is made up of things you feel “safe” doing,

But what most people don’t realize is that your comfort zone will grow and expand.

As you PUSH your limits, you will EXPAND the borders of your comfort zone.

Let’s go deeper...
When we apply this to things like the fitness, we see that that body is far more capable of doing this than we think.

It is, in fact, your mind that is holding you back. This is what all special operators learn in their training.
There are countless stories of people who made it through “Hell Week” in the US Navy SEAL basic course.

It truly is mind over matter. As a wise man once said:

“If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

Let’s look at another example:
Public speaking is terrifying to many people. In fact, it often tops the charts of people’s biggest fears.

Yes, people are more afraid of speaking in public than they are of dying.

But what every speaker learns is that by doing it over and over, they build confidence, and....
Their comfort zone expands!

I would always tell new soldiers when I was in the military the same thing I was once told:

“It doesn’t get easier. You just get used to it.”

Guess what? That’s all your comfort zone is. It grows as you grow.

Push you limits. Expand your zone.
<End Of Thread>
That’s all for now, folks!

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