(TW weight, dieting)

Listen, I’m not saying this is what’s happening for sure with a certain British singer, but I know when I lost a significant amount of weight over a short time by rigorous dieting, I also had a nervous breakdown and dropped out of college and moved to Texas
I’m just saying that large weight loss often can make you lose your marbles and we do not discuss that, like, ever
Don’t believe me? Acquaint yourself with the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. This was a huge eye-opener for me when I learned about it. That was when I was back in college and attempting to major in nutrition for a second degree https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Starvation_Experiment
(This is no longer about Adele, that was just an intro. Again, strong TW for weight/dieting for this thread)

The tldr version: during WWII, volunteers for this study lost about 25% of their body weight during a 24 week “starvation phase” in which their caloric intake was...
Actually more than most weight loss diets call for. Definitely a few hundred more than I was eating that year in college, though mine was also well within what a doctor would recommend. Anyway...turns out it’s super traumatic!
As Wikipedia puts it:
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