Here’s a weird thing. Over a year ago, four kids made a chlorine bomb from stuff at Walmart. A year ago. But this story is in several newspapers this week and with a lot of the crucial details missing to make it look like it’s associated with current protests.
These kids are currently painted as leftist terrorists by the tweet above and several others. But these kids were eighteen when this happened. The were, by admission, not targeting cops, and not leftists.
Just a quick google search on the first two full names gives me back a twitter feed and a record.
So I’m wondering why this story about the last kid finally getting sentenced is in every Colorado newspaper right now as “Kids lure and try to kill cop” and why it’s framed so disingenuously.
Is it because they know the story will get read given the current climate and they just want the clicks? Or is it a coordinated effort to get people riled up?
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