And yet they didn't

Which means... 🤔
(Also, police get minimal medical training. That's why you typically don't see them providing any first aid beyond CPR.)
They really are
Tough to say "don't touch me" as your lungs fill with blood while police stare at you as you bleed out

But you do you. Play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes etc etc
They didn't, they just stood there watching the guy die. It's on video.
It's a coping mechanism

Imagine how you'd feel if you suddenly discovered the people you pay with your tax money are malevolent, incompetent, armed, and vested with both the Government's monopoly on violence *and* qualified immunity when they f*ck up
Harsh, but accurate af
A good number of street medics are:

➡️ ex-military, who got trained to triage gunshot wounds in war zones; or

➡️ nurses, who got trained to triage GSWs in ERs; or

➡️ teachers, who got trained to triage GSWs in classrooms
I'm sure the now-dead guy is grateful someone with medical training but no gloves was forcibly kept away from helping him by the cops
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