I'm becoming increasingly convinced that most doctors have the "if you hear hoofbeats, think horses" thing drilled so firmly into their head that I could ride into the clinic on a zebra and my doc would be like "ah yes, a stripy horse"
Honestly a whole bunch of the things they can't diagnose for shit aren't even zebras? Like stuff like PCOS is really not uncommon but doctors are shit at diagnosing it anyway. Its like... An unusual breed of horse at most
Half the time they refuse to even believe a horse exists. You can show up still wearing your helmet with saddle sores and blisters on your fingers from holding the reins and they'll look you dead in the eye and tell you you're too young to have a horse
Or they'll diagnose you with *rolls dice* being fat, stress, growing, or having a uterus and be like yeah this is totally normal and not horse related at all while yr ass sits in their office wearing jodhpurs, covered in horse fur and smelling like a stable
Or GOD FORBID you have more than one ungulate in your menagerie. They'll look at your horse, tell you congratulations it's a horse, then you'll point out your zebra and they'll be like "you already showed me your horse, it just looks different sometimes"
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