I also think it’s fascinating when you really breakdown what exactly it is that repubs (and most white Dems, let’s be honest. Look at Shell Michael of Orlando Florida) want and why they oppose “socialism.”
They absolutely hate the idea of the equality boogieman taking *ALL* their wealth and giving it to the poor. It’s masked as “I want to be rewarded for hard work” but in truth they are saying they don’t want certain people to live.
Your wokest white “democratic socialist” friend for their middle class upbringing will correct you, “no, they just don’t want us to live as well as them.” To which, I say, “nigga who the fuck is ‘us?’”

They want “model minorities” and no disruption to the hoarding of their wealth. The rest of us deserve to die for threatening their way of life.
Our education system teaches manifest destiny, but not the generations of genocide and now we’re in awe that white people are incapable of letting go of any amount of money or power.

They’d rather we all fucking die than believe we’re equal.
They would rather have 500K unhoused people to turn their nose up at than imagine a world where every American is sheltered, educated, and fed if we touch a penny of their “earned” riches.

White folks are the kid who takes their ball and leaves… then sets the playground ablaze.
It’s not just greed and selfishness; it’s not just “moral bankruptcy;” it’s a proud delusion and small imagination. It is fragility.

It’s why I rant about the phrase “I can’t even imagine what you’re going thru” so much. EVEN THE GOOD ONES COME FROM A BAD STOCK.
The overtly bigoted are easy: they assume ”sharing power” is the same as “losing everything.” If marginalized folk gain power, they assume we’d harm them like they did us. They ONLY know harm. They believe Manifest Destiny is real and they’re ordained by god over all of us.
White libs and pretend leftists (I’ll explain that in a separate tweet) are no better. They can ONLY frame their brave new “equality” utopia as a feel-good rehash of this same fucked, exploitative system. THEY ONLY KNOW EXPLOITATION AND HARM, but “believe in harm reduction! 🌈
White people along 95% of the political spectrum (I promise, I’ll get to “pretend leftists”) are absolutely committed to the preservation of white supremacy in some form, either overtly or dressed up as “equality” but is actually assimilation (think Gentrification but bigger).
They are capitalists. I could’ve said that from the beginning, but I’m a little drunk and like the sound of my textual voice. They only know harm and reward. We’ll never colonize Mars cuz we are too selfish and self destructive. Their existence requires sacrifice.

Remember how the only thing they taught us about Aztecs and Mayans and… the third ones?… (that in itself is a testament to our trash education) did human sacrifices and we called that so barbaric and uncivilized? Dawg… white folk do human sacrifices at a MACRO scale.
Like… we were constantly told how silly all indigenous peoples’ rituals and traditions were (as we pray to a blue-eyed white guy from Bethlehem) but this country built its wealth thru chattel slavery and since 1865 has tirelessly worked to make “new slavery” more palatable.
The unsurprising hypocrisy. They thought the indigenous were stupid and mocked their culture, and then turned around and designed a system that does mass human sacrifice for the prosperity of… god’s chosen white billionaires
Okay… so wanna make clear I have zero qualms with white leftists. I think “left vs right” is completely a white thing not designed with anyone else in mind. Which is why I said both the bigots and the fake woke only know harm and desire power. I was intentional saying “pretend”
“Pretend leftists” are the ones who are only Socialists™ on social media but gleefully enjoy the benefits of their privilege without any intention of forfeiting that privilege.

I still think Left/Right debates are exclusively white. Like… I’d never call myself a leftist.
Amerikkkan political identity is inherently “whites only.” The country’s founding document was written as exclusively white and has to get amended to afford “inalienable rights” to non-whites and white women. So how the fuck could I be a member of something not intended for me?
Extrapolate that to Marxism, socialism, conservatism, capitalism… all the systems of -isms (not to be confused with the hateful -isms) and again… that’s all western ideology; those aren’t absolutes.

Go back to Aztecs and Mayans and… INCAS!! The Incas… were THEY socialists?
What do you think that remote indigenous tribe alive today in Brazil that we only talk about when the amazon catches fire… what do you think they’re views on Marxism is? Or capitalism?

You feel me? Everything we think we know is just Western bullshit written up by white dudes.
AND THAT!!! Holy fuck what a journey this thread took… AND THAT KIDS!!!! Is why we should destroy everything. Reform nothing; everything is tainted by greedy racist sexist white dudes. Why salvage any of it?
This is the shit #MyFrenKaline wakes up to daily, just a stream of consciousness from me about the ills of the world… everything loosely connected in some way, and usually the connection is “shitty white dude made it and nobody stopped him.”
The right is scared of losing power; the dems are scared of disrupting the only way they could fathom society functioning (by exploiting and harming at least one group of people); the true left, bless em, but they still frame utopia whitely.

I’m arguing to destroy “power” itself
What good is a society if it will not take care of everyone? What good is power if hoarded for your sole benefit. We all THINK we are altruistic and selfless, but we aren’t. We’re all motivated by western ideologies, which are inherently morally bankrupt.
Okay, bye bye. That’s Sunday’s rant. I’m pouring another drink and smoking a flower strain called “quarantine kush” while I wait for my vape pen to recharge.

Shout out to anyone who regularly reads all my meandering threads from beginning to end. You’re the real MVPs
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