A majority of the “self help” industry is just hucksters teaching people how to withstand the depravities and mind-numbing tedium and spiritual emptiness of modern day capitalism.
And while we’re at it, Instagram silently conditioned an entire generation of upper middle class professionals to turn themselves into commercials that hawk the merits of a lifestyle that is merely the self-lobotomy required to tolerate a life of otherwise dull and vacant toil.
My only self help advice is read books and enjoy art whose central idea is life is meaningless suffering and everyone in the world is lonely and in some form of secret pain. This freeze-dries the brainworms of consumerism where they wriggle and will make you feel better at once.
It is much harder to sell you cheap plastic bullshit you don’t need when you understand that no purchase will ever resolve the fundamental loneliness and confusion that has plagued human consciousness forever. You might as well just have fun with it. That concludes my seminar.
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