Got a close friend of mine into #DeadbyDaylight recently. And he's slowly, but surely, turning into a super salty survivor main. It's just hilarious watching him slowly descend into madness!

I'm just waiting until he finally faces Myers. The salt will fly!
(1/2) Update to this #DeadbyDaylight story. He hasn't faced Myers yet, but man the salt flew! "Killers are too strong," "Survivor needs more ways to fight the killer," "Game is too killer sided."

He's slowly learning, which is nice...but he's got some things to work on:
-Needs to better utilize camera in chases (never looks behind him, ever)
-Doesn't use pallets efficiently
-BLOWS skill checks

His least favorite killer to play against=Pig, fave=Huntress. Rank 16 now (Me=8). I will update this thread w/more stories as we tread the fog.
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