tw // drugs !!
cw // drugs and psychological affects!

hello! i’ve decided to share with you guys what i, a psychology student, am learning about drugs and the psychological standpoint on them! this is a thread over 7 different drugs, so do not proceed if this bothers you! +
cw // alcohol mention

yes, alcohol is considered a drug by inhibition standards because alcohol inhibits the brain from working correctly! the more you know!
1. Heroin :

heroin mimics natural opiates, turning OFF dopamine inhibitors, which produces immediate feelings of sedation and well-being. natural opiates activate their receptors, shutting down neurotransmitters and binding to opiate receptors. this affects the pain signals, +
stress response, and emotional attachment in the brain!
2. Ecstasy :

ecstasy mimics serotonin, where it is easily taken in by serotonin receptors and transports actual serotonin out of the cell! this confuses the cell, overstimulating it. this is responsible for mood, sleep, perception, appetite, and the addictive quality!
3. Marijuana :

anandamide receptors (or the body’s natural cannabinoid receptor) turn off the inhibitory neurotransmitters. THC mimics anandamide and binds the receptors, allowing dopamine to be released. anandamide is responsible for short-term memory reduction, slowing down +
movement and making people feel calm and relaxed. the reason why marijuana has such a small, if any at all, high is because anandamide breaks down quicker than other drug chemicals, like THC, which doesn’t produce a high!
4. Methamphetamine :

meth is similar to ecstasy, but instead of mimicking serotonin, meth mimics dopamine. it enters dopamine vesicles, forcing real dopamine out and into the synapse (or dead space), overstimulating the cell. meth is very addictive, making the user feel +
intense pleasure and exhilaration, but also has severely damaging physically side-effects!
5. Alcohol :

GABA binds to inhibitory receptors, prohibiting normal brain function. alcohol enters the brain and is registered as a double sedative, interacting with the GABA receptors and blocking glutamate from actually leaving the cell! alcohol affects memory formation, +
decision making, and impulse control.
6. Cocaine :

cocaine blocks dopamine neurotransmitters, leaving dopamine to bind in the synapse. think of cocaine like a plug, it plugs the receptors! the dopamine tries to bind over and over again, overstimulating the cell. cocaine affects movement, hence why users can’t stay +
still and are often fidgety!
7. LSD ( final drug ) :

LSD resembles serotonin and binds the receptors. two different serotonin receptors work in two different ways, meaning that when LSD interacts, one shuts off and one gets excited. this is the reason behind LSD’s complex sensory effects. LSD affects the +
part of the brain known as the LC, or locus coeruleus. this is responsible for wakefulness and startle response to unexpected stimulus.
thank you for reading this :) this was a lot of fun to make and i hope someone get’s a joy out of this thread as i did! ilya and please stay safe <3
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