How bad did you ever want something? For me, it was my dream to work on Star Wars. When given a 4 days test to design stuff to show George on Friday, I forwent sleep and just jammed away. Produced 20+ traditional drawings, all hand plotted. Had so much fun and got the gig.
Here are the rest. Threw in some droids too. The point of this week was to show George that I "get" Star Wars and can adopt its design languages. After I got the "you're in" call from the producer, I drove up to the Ranch and spent 1.5 years there. Best team and memories ever!
All drawings were dated August 2nd. That's a Friday in 2002. I think the deadline was 9AM. I probably wrapped it up around 7AM to email them (I was still in Los Angeles at the time). It was a tough week but worth every second. To walk into the Ranch the week after was surreal.
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