Actually Claire, as a Black antifascist I will tell you you’re absolutely WRONG! Those same ppl eating in nice restaurants? They make it impossible for the poor to even buy food. Those statues are monuments to scum who hated us, we brawl against ppl who are actual Nazis...
The ones your grandfather probably served in war to fight against. Shall I run down the name of the victims of the violence? That neither Clinton, Bush II, Obama, or Trump had done anything about? You think voting will keep ppl safe? The police kill us.
And you think voting for Biden, the one who sicced his cops on us will do something? You are delusional, you have lost every sense of rational and logical thought. But, this is what happens when ppl like you, who don’t know anyone who lives this, or you, yourself don’t live this
You think property damage is on par with human life? You think we’re only mad at Trump? LOL, you better educate yourself. We hate this fucked up, fascist country and it’s been fascist ever since Europeans got here. STFU!!!
Lol this thread is such fucking nonsense!
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