I left the house today & donned my mask to protect me from a highly contagious virus that's killing people across the globe. Disinfected my hands to ensure I didn't contaminate my house.

And I marvelled at being in a dystopian sci-fi future best suited for big box office movies.
I also ate fast food for the first time in 8 months. You know. Before the next spike in cases. When 1/2 the staff or more will be returning to schools. And when winter comes.

Because I'm immunocompromised. And I get the sense I'm not the protagonist of this film.
In fact, whatever numpty is writing the script hasn't given much thought to my background. Is it one condition? Two? Maybe four, the doctor will suggest. But she can't get any of it tested. Because the virus. *tappity-tap-tap-tap*
(there is no big climactic end to this thread. Just wanted to write it down because I feel like everything is SO unreal, we feel the near-constant stress of it but it's like you forget too. And we're missing it, somehow.Even while going through the motions of proactive behaviour)
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