I love being married.
I love being a stay at home mom.
I love being a homemaker.

Those things have more meaning for me than anything else in this world.
All respect to people who don’t want it, but if you “just” want to be a homemaker that is a valid life choice! 🤗
I love that I am home. I love that I can bring meals to people who’ve been sick or just had a baby. I love that I can volunteer. I know a lot of parents don’t have that choice, and some choose not to be a SAHP which is totally cool! Different personalities and needs are real.
But I know after college and after getting married, I was shamed by people for choosing to stay home when I had my firstborn. And I know moms who choose to work out of the home get shamed, too.
But for me, it was the right decision to stay home. I like filling in the gaps during the day time hours for friends and family who needed reprieve. I like being available.
All that to say, I feel like my job is nurturer in chief. In-laws need their lawn mowed? Done. Friend having a tough week? Bringing a meal. Need a sitter last minute? The more the merrier. Being available to nurture life around me is the greatest blessing I could ask for.
And, of course, those who work out of the home do these things, too, and you all are superheroes, but I love that it’s what I get to do full time.
You can follow @LindseyLulla.
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