I'm sure Frydenberg and Morrison think their full-court press on Victoria is brilliant strategy, and no doubt, most of the media will fall in line, but I'm pretty sure most Victorians aren't in the mood for being thrown under the bus like this.
You don't have to be a Dan stan to feel annoyed that the Treasurer and PM are shitting all over the state, while most of us are just trying to work our way through a very difficult situation.
I can quite happily think Andrews has got many things wrong, and I do, but that doesn't mean I want to hear the Treasurer calling what we are going through "the biggest public policy failure by a State government in living memory"
I mean, fuck off
Do you really think that all of us in lockdown want to hear that? Especially when you aren't offering any sort of viable alternative?
As @chrisedmond said, You can't say, the economic cost of the lockdown is x% increase in unemployment, y% decrease in spending without specifying how you think those outcomes would be different under an alt policy. Attributing it all to the lockdown = wishing away the crisis
To single out Victoria with comments like "We will have more Victorians on JobKeeper than the rest of the country combined. The damage to the Victorian economy will go for years..." is just cruel and clueless.
You think we don't know what the downsides are?
You think we need you rubbing salt in the wound?

You think we don't remember the role Aged Care facilities --for which your govt has responsibility--has played in all of this?
The idea that you have decided Victorians can just be collateral damage in the game of divide-and-conquer you are trying to play is fifty shades of obscene for a national government. You should be ashamed. And I suspect it will bite you on your well-padded arse come election time
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