TodoBakuMomo Thread🔞

Weed (a lot)
Stoned sex
Probably some pegging


Bakugou finds out Momo has weed and he wants in. But when she invites both him and Todoroki to her room at the same time, the night quickly goes in a direction Bakugou had not prepared for.
Bakugou needed to relax. “Relax” was an understatement. He needed to chill the fuck out or else he was gonna blow up the school in his sleep.

With Third Year exams and agency interviews around the corner, he was one wrong word away from Howitzering himself to the moon.
One afternoon he decided to finally text Sero to see if he could take him up on his offer to smoke him out.

“totally would man, but i’m fresh out atm.”
/Fuck/. Just as Bakugou was about to drop the whole thing, another text came through.

“but i got another contact for you my guy”
No way would Bakugou even consider having someone outside of his direct circle give him drugs, but he was getting desperate. After a moment’s hesitation, he caved.

“who is it” he texted.

“Yaomomo. Her shit is tight”
Bakugou stared at his phone, blinking in disbelief.

“bullshit” he texted back. “no way does ponytail smoke”

But Sero was insistent on Momo Yaoyorozu having the best supply at UA, probably in the city.
Bakugou had no guile to discern good vs bad weed, but he knew that Sero was raised by ex-hippies and probably knew more about it than anyone else.

Incredulous but desperate, Bakugou took the bait.
The next day after class, Bakugou awkwardly approached Momo in a huff, tapping her on the shoulder as she gathered her books.

“Oh hi, Bakugou-kun.” She said sweetly as she gracefully turned over her shoulder. He felt his lips twitch as he avoided her stone gray gaze.
“Tape face told me you—“

He couldn’t even get the words out. His jaw tightened in frustration, but before he could finish, Momo gave a chuckle that grabbed Bakugou by the spine.
“Bakugou, it’s okay. He already told me you’d be looking for me.” She gave him a genuine smile as she threw her bag over her shoulder and started out of the classroom. Bakugou blinked, taken aback with shock before following her out.

“You’re kidding me. You actually sell—?”
Momo gracefully but swiftly raised palm before his mouth, thin, manicured fingers hovering an inch in front of his lips.

“The answer is yes. But we don’t finish that sentence outside of closed doors, Bakugou-kun. It's rather...uncouth."
She flashed a quick smile and winked at him, completely unbothered.

Bakugou huffed and nibbled at the skin in his cheek. Momo gestured for him to walk with her.

“So,” she said casually. “What are you looking for specifically?”
Bakugou raised a brow. “Uhhh. You sell other shit?”

There was the chuckle again. What was it about that goddamn chuckle?

“Not what you’d be looking for, no. I mean the strain. Indica, I assume?”
Not what he’d be looking for? Fucking pardon? Who the hell was Ponytail and who was she pretending to be?

Bakugou felt himself blush at his lack of knowledge. Momo took the context clues from his confused silence and gave a deep nod, stopping in her tracks to look into his eyes.
“Ahh, I see. You’re really a novice, aren’t you? Well, that’s absolutely fine Bakugou, no need to be embarrassed! I’d be happy to help you.”

“I’m not fucking /embarrassed/, Ponytail—“

She whipped out her cellphone and handed it to him, ignoring his words and cutting him off.
“Please put in your number for me. I have a few questions for you, I want to get a better understanding of what you’re looking for. Then we can go from there.”

Bakugou stared back, speechless. He felt like she had pulled him into a spell with not even so much as a blink.
With a hard swallow, he slowly took her phone and dialed his number to text himself. He kept his eyes on her face the entire time, scanning every feature of her smile. When he was finished, he handed her back the phone.
“Wonderful! I’ll be in touch with you further. Are you free tomorrow evening after school?”

Bakugou raised an eyebrow. “Why not tonight?”
A bright, toothy smile parted her lips. “Eager, aren’t we?” She teased.

Bakugou hated how red he knew his cheeks were getting. He wanted to tell her to fuck off, but she was his only connection and he couldn’t afford to lose it.
Momo tutted at his frustrated silence.

“Bakugou, I want you to treat both my product and your body with respect. If you have to worry about waking up for class the next morning, you’ll never be able to fully immerse yourself. A weekend will be best.”
Left without a legitimate retort, Bakugou scoffed and shoved his hands back in his pockets.

“Tch. Fine. I’ll be there.”
Momo’s lips curled into a grin.

“Marvelous,” she cooed. “I’ll see you then.”
She started to walk away, but Bakugou called after her.

“Wait, don’t I have to…bring something?”

Momo turned on her heel and faced him, head tilted in confusion.
“Like what?” She asked.

“Like—“ Bakugou started, but glanced around anxiously before moving in closer to her.

“—like /money/. What’s it gonna cost?”
Momo blinked at him once, before nodding her head knowingly. She threw away a hand.

“First time is complementary. If I do my job properly, we can handle finances when you come back for more.”
/When?/ Jesus Christ, Ponytail probably got her wealth from Yakuza shit. That had to be the reason she was so calm and cool about this.

Before Bakugou could protest in response, Momo was already walking down the hall, waving a hand behind her.

“See you then!”
The next night, Bakugou found himself sweating outside of Momo’s closed door. She said 8. He looked at his watch.


Shit, he was early. But it was two minutes. Why did he care? When did he /ever/ care about being on time for anything?
/Calm down./ Bakugou internally scolded himself for being such a pussy. It would be fine. He’d go in, have a smoke, then chill for the rest of the night in his room.

He just had to knock first.

But before he could even raise his fist, a voice from just behind him made him jump.
“Hi, Bakugou.”

Clasping a hand against his pounding chest, Bakugou turned over his shoulder and felt his cheeks turn to fire.

“What the /fuck/, Halfie?! You tryin’ to fucking /kill me/?!”
Todoroki shrugged, expression unmoving. “No. Just saying hi.”

Bakugou swallowed as he shook away his nerves and tried to regulate his breathing. But when Todoroki didn’t leave, he squinted at him in frustration.

“Okay, well. You fuckin’ said hi. Now get outta here.”
Without even acknowledging Bakugou's words, Todoroki took his phone from his pocket and checked the time. He then extended his fist right past Bakugou’s nose to knock on the door three times.

Bakugou stammered in confusion and rage.
“The fuck’re you doing?!” He shouted.

“I have an appointment.” Todoroki replied flatly.

Bakugou would have ripped his throat out right there, had the door not swung open just then.
Momo immediately smiled upon seeing the boys.

“Ah, right on time! You know I really do admire punctuality.” She said.

“I’m well aware,” Todoroki said as he walked past Bakugou and into the threshold of the room, his shoulder just barely grazing Momo’s.
She blinked a couple times at Bakugou, but when he didn’t enter, she opened the door wider and gestured with her hand.

“You’re not a vampire, are you?” She teased with that chuckle. Bakugou’s jaw was stuck open as he stammered through his thoughts.
“What the fuck is he doing here?!” He seethed as he stalked into the room and got right up to Momo’s face. She closed the door and locked it behind him.

“Bakugou-kun, relax. There’s nothing to worry about.” Momo said, her hands raised palms-out to Bakugou’s heaving chest.
“I’m not trying to /publicize/ this shit, okay? I don’t want other people to see me fuckin’ buying /drugs/ from you, especially not that fuckin’ Half—“

“Todoroki-kun is one of my distributers. I invited him to join us this evening, I thought you’d like to have him here.”
Bakugou’s head and chest pounded. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, sighing in frustration.

“Why…the fuck…did you think…I’d /like/ that?” Bakugou breathed.

“Because we’re friends—“

Momo somehow managed to coax Bakugou’s body over to one of the sofas positioned in her room. Todoroki was planted on a chaise opposite of him, recumbent and unbothered like some old queen.

“Bakugou, please.” Momo’s voice drew his gaze reluctantly out of his pout up to meet hers.
“In exchange for my product, I’d like for you to please trust me. In my quarters, things are run the way I want them to. Todoroki is my right hand, and I’d appreciate it if you’d surrender your stubborn ways for just this evening and try to enjoy yourself, alright?”
The slightly elegant edge in her voice made Bakugou’s tense shoulders start to fall. It’s not like she was /wrong/, the only reason he was even here was because he was desperate to relax for once in his life.

“Fine,” Bakugou grumbled. “I’ll…chill out, or whatever. Fuck.”
The sharpness of Momo’s expression immediately fell into sunshine as she smiled brightly.

“Marvelous!” She said. “I’m very excited for this evening. We—“

A knock at the door sent Bakugou to his feet.
“Who the fuck’s that?” He hissed. He couldn’t get caught in this situation, absolutely no fucking way could that happen.

“It’s fine,” Momo assured as she stepped to the door. Todoroki didn’t even flinch.
Bakugou held his breath as Momo opened the door with a smile.

“Welcome! Come on in. Black Diamond, you said?”

Before Bakugou could respond, Tokoyami casually stepped inside Momo’s bedroom and closed the door behind him.

“Yeah,” He said coolly. “An eighth.”
Bakugou immediately began to protest.

“Okay what the /fuck/ Ponytail, I didn’t say I’d be down for a goddamn party!”
“Don't worry,” Momo called as she bent down and pulled a carved wooden box from a hidden drawer in her desk. “He’s not staying.”

“I’m not staying.” Tokoyami repeated flatly. He then calmly raised his chin in a gesture of acknowledgement to Todoroki.
Todoroki returned the nod silently. Bakugou watched in awe as Momo settled herself at her desk and opened the box. She fingered through a collection of small bags until she stopped and pulled one out between two fingers.

“Here you are,” She said. “Want me to weigh it for you?”
“I’m good.” Tokoyami said, taking the bag and tucking it in his pocket.

“Ooh, wait!” Momo said as she rummaged back through the drawer and pulled out a black canister. She undid the cap and poured a small amount of its contents onto a thin metal scale.
“I think Shoji will like this. Grand Hindu,” She said as she produced another tiny bag from her wrist and plucked a small clump of weed from the scale.

“The dime’s on me. Let me know if he likes it.” Momo smiled as she handed the second bag to Tokoyami.
He nodded respectfully as Momo walked him to the door.

“Thank you, Yaoyorozu. Have a good night.”

“You too!” She said as she opened the door. Tokoyami exited, and Momo closed the door behind him with a click of the lock.
She turned back to Bakugou and Todoroki, clapping her hands together with a sigh.

“Alright, I believe business is done for the evening, yes?”
“Yep.” Todoroki answered, rising to stand and moving over to Momo’s desk. She took a deep breath and smiled, before draping herself dramatically on the now unoccupied chaise.

Bakugou hadn’t moved from his spot, his jaw now permanently stuck open.

Was he already high? He must have been high. None of what just happened could have been real, there was just no way.
“I know, I know. Not what you probably expected from a girl like me, right?” Momo said, tone a little darker and more relaxed. Bakugou swallowed hard.

“I…I fuckin’ guess not.”

Momo smiled and gestured with her hand for Bakugou to take a seat back on the opposite sofa.
He didn’t know what else to do, so he just. Sat.

Momo readjusted to sit up and pulled on the band holding her hair in a tight ponytail. Bakugou watched as her dark locks fell in a curtain over her shoulders and framed her pale face.
“So who are you really, then?” Bakugou challenged, leaning back against the couch, arms crossed over his chest. Momo shrugged.

“I’m nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody, too?”
“Dickinson,” Todoroki interrupted as he returned to the sitting area, carrying a tray of various boxes and objects between his hands.

“Emily Dickinson.”

Momo snapped and pointed a finger at him as he joined her on the chaise.
“Correct! You’re a sharp one.” She said playfully. Bakugou could only blink.

Great. He was trapped with the weird kids.

What the fuck was he getting himself into.
“Look,” Bakugou said. “I’m not trying to make this a thing or some shit. I just need to relax, okay? I’m stressed as fuck and Tape Face has been trying to smoke me out for a year, so—“

“Bakugou.” Momo said, voice solid yet kind. His words stopped on his tongue.
“It’s okay. I don’t mean to stress you out, I know you’re new to all of this. But my first time was a nightmare, and the last thing I’d want is for you to feel the same. There’s no pressure if you want to leave. Just be honest with me, and trust me. Okay?”
Somehow that…actually made Bakugou feel a little better. He had no reason to trust Momo, but then again he also didn’t have a reason /not/ to trust her, so…

What if he just. Decided to trust her?
Releasing a held breath, Bakugou nodded and let himself relax a bit more. “Okay.”

Momo looked in his eyes and smiled sweetly once more, and it made Bakugou feel warm, which was weird, but he didn’t want to think about it, so he ignored it.
The sound of Todoroki fiddling with whatever was in front of him was enough to distract Bakugou for a moment. He flicked his chin in his direction.

“The fuck’re you doing?"

“I’m packing a bowl.” He replied. Bakugou didn’t know what that meant, but like hell he was gonna ask.
“It’s part of the pipe,” Momo said, her tank top strap sliding off her shoulder as she reached for the tray. “Where you put the flower to light it.”

“Flower?” Bakugou asked. Momo nodded as she grabbed a small mortar & pestle and what looked like a cigarette from the tray.
“Marijuana comes in many forms." She said. "Edibles, topicals, tinctures, dabs—“

“—hash, vape cartridges—”

“—exactly. What you know as ‘weed’, we call ‘flower’. Then we smoke it.”
Bakugou nodded and leaned forward, hands clasped and elbows resting atop his knees.

“You smoke cigarettes?” He asked, indicating Momo’s right hand. She shook her head.

“This is a one hitter. It only looks like a cigarette.” She said, dipping it into the mortar to pack it.
Bakugou was fascinated by the way she and Todoroki used their hands, how meticulous and graceful they were with the pipes and the weed and the papers and whatever the fuck else was in front of them.

They made it look like art, and Bakugou could've watched forever, really.
“Here,” Todoroki said, presenting a tiny glass pipe to Bakugou. Momo put a hand on Todoroki’s shoulder.

“Shochan, he doesn’t know how yet. Get it rolling for him.”

“I don’t need his fucking help!” Bakugou protested.
Momo raised a single, tantalizing eyebrow. “Oh really?” She said. “What’s a carb?”

When Bakugou’s jaw tensed up with shame at his inability to answer, Momo nodded. “Let him get it started. You can do the rest.”

“Tch,” Bakugou tutted. “Fine. Sorry I'm not a stoner like you guys.
“No need to apologize.” Todoroki said. Bakugou shot him a glare.

“Wasn’t talking to you.”

“You said ‘you guys’, I assumed I was included in that.”

“You wanna fucking die, Halfie?!”
“Girls, you’re both pretty.” Momo put both of her hands out to Bakugou and Todoroki. Bakugou wanted to fight back more, but at this point he was just ready to smoke.

“Whatever. So’re we gonna start smoking or what?” He asked.
Momo stood up and moved to the other couch, siddling right up next to Bakugou. She extended her hand out to Todoroki, one hitter held expertly between two fingers.

“Here Sho, light me up and I’ll get it rolling. Trade with me.”
Bakugou watched as Momo and Todoroki passed the pipes between hands, leaving Momo with the larger one and Todoroki with the slim false cig. Without warning, his fingertip flared up with a small flame, still extended out in Momo and Bakugou’s direction. It made Bakugou flinch.
“Jesus, that was unnecessary.” He mumbled. Momo startled him with a nudge of her elbow into his rib.

“He bring fire. I keep cave clean.” Momo said. Bakugou blinked and shook his head, genuinely marveling at how comfortably strange one person could really be.
“Okay, so a couple of things before you take your first hit,” Momo started, turning her head to look right at Bakugou.

“Inhale steadily. Hold for a second. Exhale steadily. It’ll probably burn, and you’ll probably cough. But you’ll be fine. Okay?”
Anxious and kind of excited, Bakugou nodded. Momo leaned forward as Todoroki’s lit finger hovered above the packed bowl.

“I’ll take a hit first, and it’ll keep rolling so we won’t have to re-light it. I’ll hold it for you so you don’t have to deal with the carb. Yes?”
As Bakugou swallowed and nodded once more, his fingers tightened against his knees. He watched Momo lean in to wrap her lips around the pipe, inhaling as Todoroki’s fire floated over top of the bowl. The crumpled green flower quickly started to glow and char as Momo inhaled.
When she leaned back and took the pipe with her, she removed her lips and deliberately brought it to Bakugou’s.

“Breathe in,” She coaxed, guiding Bakugou to the pipe. He felt his throat and chest fill and prick with warmth. He squeezed his eyes shut against the sensation.
“Good, now hold…” Momo said, pulling the pipe away from Bakugou’s lips. He sealed them tight and held himself taut, waiting until Momo spoke to guide him again.

“And let it go. Awesome, see? That was /perfect/.”
Bakugou resisted the tiny tickle in his throat as he exhaled steadily. He opened his eyes just in time to see a cloud of smoke escape his mouth and form a foggy cloud in front of his face.
His surprise at the sight made his breath catch, and he began to cough against the fiery burn suffocating his throat.

“Here, drink.”
Todoroki’s cool hand extended an ice cold glass out to Bakugou. He quickly snatched it and chugged it down, desperate to relieve the burning itch. When he sufficiently emptied the glass’ contents, he took a few panting breaths to steady himself.
“F-Fuck,” He sputtered, clearing his throat from the last residual coughs.

“I know, coughing’s the worst. But hey, you did it!” Momo squealed, clasping her hands in excitement. Todoroki gave a tiny golf clap.

Momo tilted her head to look at Bakugou.

“How do you feel?”
Bakugou took a second to take stock of himself, blinking and staring at his hands.

“Uhh. I don’t know if it worked.”

He tried to look into himself, genuinely try and examine his normal and compare it to his now. He was stressed and anxious before.
Was he still stressed and anxious?

Well, no. But also yes, because he didn’t know what he should be feeling.
“You don’t have to overthink it,” Momo said, interrupting his thoughts like she could hear them. “You probably still have some adrenaline. It’s all good.”

“How will I know if I feel it though?” Bakugou asked, voice a little hoarse.
“Oh you’ll know,” Todoroki said. “It’s like an orgasm. You’ll know.”

Bakugou meant to send a blast out in Todoroki’s direction, or at the very least curse at him, but instead his face went hot. He choked on his spit and began to cough, reaching for another glass of water nearby.
“Don’t rush it. We can try again, we have all the time in the world.” Momo said gently. Todoroki hummed in agreement through the one hitter between his lips.

After catching his breath and finishing off the water, Bakugou nodded and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
/Fuck/, he definitely felt something. His fingers felt bigger, his teeth a little numb. Was he dying?

Momo rose from the couch and floated over to a bar cart in a corner of her room. She prepared a couple glasses and turned over her shoulder, handing one to Todoroki.
“Here,” She said, approaching Bakugou with a filled glass. He nodded and took it in his hands and took a sip as she sat back down.

Bakugou swallowed a mouthful of sparkling water and cleared his throat.
“Can. Can I try again?” He asked quietly. Todoroki looked up and shared a glance with Momo.

“Absolutely,” Momo said, reaching for the pipe. Bakugou stopped her.
“Um. I think I can do it, if that’s cool.”

Jesus. When did he get so shy and polite? He sounded like fucking Deku.

A grin spread across Momo’s lips as she handed him the pipe.

“Be my guest! Here, I’ll make a matchbook—“
“It’s cool,” Bakugou interrupted. “Halfie. Get the fuck over here.”

Ahh, now that was more like it.

With an amused raise of a single eyebrow, Todoroki set down his glass and leaned forward, extending his hand out to Bakugou.
Using only eye contact, Bakugou signaled for Todoroki to light him up. His fingertip flared and begin to light the bowl.

Bakugou did his best to emulate what he saw Momo do earlier, keeping his finger over the little hole at the side of the bowl.
He watched the bowl’s contents glow as he inhaled the growing heat, allowing it to envelop and fill his chest again.He quickly pulled the pipe away after a few seconds, held himself taut, and gently release a cloud of smoke from his mouth, all without so much as a throat tickle.
“There he is!” Momo crooned with pride. “A natural.”

“The breath support of a Castrato.” Todoroki added, prompting Momo to throw her slipper at him.
Bakugou wanted to say something. He planned to say something. But words were no longer within his grasp.

Oh. Okay. This was here.
His head felt heavy, but in the best way. He’d never been on a waterbed, but he was sure this is what it must’ve felt like. Everything was warm and thick and euphoric and /good/.

He shivered when he felt a few soft finger pads against his bicep as Momo urged him to sit back.
“Ahhh, yes. Perfect. I think he’s in it now.” She said. Bakugou nodded, eyelids heavy as he fixated on some renaissance looking painting on Momo’s wall.

“I’m innit.”
The warmth of Momo’s alluring chuckle spread through his bones and belly like treacle. He relaxed into the sofa and sat inside the feeling of floating.

Woah. Did Round Face feel like this /all the time?/ He’d have to ask her.
“Th’fuck is this stuff…” Bakugou asked to nobody in particular.

“OG Kush,” Momo answered as she took another hit from the pipe. “Shochan, roll me a joint?”
To say that Bakugou was blasted out of his goddamn mind was an understatement. He was flat out zooted.

Some amount of time had passed since he took his first hit. It could’ve been an hour, or 20 minutes, or two weeks. He had no concept of time. All he knew was /peace/.
He hadn’t even moved from his spot on the couch. Momo and Todoroki wandered a bit more throughout the evening, either to go put a record on Momo’s vintage player, or grab a drink from the bar cart, or just sway softly to nothing.
There was a lot of giggling. Bakugou didn’t even know he was capable of giggling.

Almost everything Todoroki said made him sputter with laughter. The stiff, neutral demeanor he usually carried melted away into absolute coolness—he was actually kind of chill.

But only kind of.
Todoroki and Momo shared the space on the chaise, Momo sitting up with her neck draped over the sofa’s back, and Todoroki draped delicately off its arm. Bakugou watched wisps of smoke hover around Momo’s soft face as she took a lazy drag from the pipe.
“So why was it bad?” Bakugou suddenly asked, voice lazy and syrupy. Momo turned her head to him.

“Was what bad?”

“Your first time.” He said. Momo paused and blinked.

“With /weed/.” Bakugou reiterated, rolling his eyes. “You said it was a nightmare. What happened?”
“Ahhhh,” Momo hummed in understanding. “/That/ first time. Yes. It was awful. I started out too big, didn’t drink enough water, burned my fingers…terrible.”

“What did you start with?” Bakugou asked. Momo sighed and let her head fall to the side.
“Gravity Bong…” She breathed. “…then dabs…and an edible.”

Todoroki tutted in disappointment.

“Little lamb.” He cooed. Momo rolled her eyes and poked him with her toes as she continued.
“I got so high I had three panic attacks that night alone. I tried to sober up by doing a bump of coke but it only made me jumpier. Woke up the next morning with a dried bloody nose covered in cake crumbs. It took three washes to get the frosting out of my hair.”
Bakugou and Todoroki both snickered and giggled as Momo hid her face with her hands.

“Shit, Princess. Didn’t think you had it in you.” Bakugou mused, allowing his eyes to trail lazily over her body.
She looked so elegantly relaxed, like every part of her down to her pinky nail was purposefully placed. The silk of her pale pink sleeping set looked like a single piece of fabric, painted on her body for the sole purpose of just /barely/ covering her torso.
Bakugou thought he was being careful, but at some point he slipped off his guard. He caught Momo’s eyes with his and instantly blushed, turning his head with an embarrassing obviousness.
But even through his turned gaze, he caught the very slight spark of something emanate from Momo. A bead of sweat trickled down his neck as she subtly bit her bottom lip.

Momo gently turned her head toward Todoroki without lifting her neck from the couch.
“Shochan,” She drawled softly. Todoroki glanced in her direction.


“Shotgun?” She asked.
Bakugou could’ve sworn he saw Todoroki’s eyes flick in his direction for a split second before he nodded, bringing the glowing blunt between his fingers to his lips.

Momo lifted her torso from the couch before turning over on a hand, crawling a little bit towards Todoroki.
Bakugou watched from across the room, enraptured as Todoroki took a long, slow hit from the blunt and held the smoke in his mouth. He then turned into Momo and brought a hand along her neck, leaning in close to her lips.

He felt his palms begin to crack.
They looked like they were /just/ about to kiss, right there on the precipice of it, but their lips never touched.

Instead, Momo just barely opened mouth, parting her full lips as Todoroki opened his and allowed a stream of smoke to drift between her lips.
The smoke was thick, and little wisps of it leaked out ever so slightly from the fraction of space between them.

Before Bakugou had a chance to blink and swallow against his parched throat, the smoke disappeared when Momo closed her mouth and pulled away a bit.
Her eyes gently shut as two streams of smoke seeped from her nostrils like waterfalls before they vanished into the hazy air.

The sight of it did something to Bakugou, cementing him in place and rattling his chest with a visible shiver.
Todoroki caught sight of his reaction—which, wasn’t surprising, he could’ve probably smelled it on him—and subtly raised his eyebrows without so much as a flick of his lips.

“Yaomomo,” Todoroki said, head still turned to Bakugou. “My turn.”
The sound Bakugou made as he tried to swallow and clear out his throat was conveniently ignored by the pair across from him. Momo’s mouth curved into that tantalizing smile of hers, eyes half-lidded as she nodded gently and extended her hand.

“Give me a light, please.”
Todoroki shifted closer and presented Momo with the blunt between two slender fingers. She popped it in her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, leaning forward as his hand went up in flame.

God, why was that so /sexy/? Bakugou shook away the thought but it stuck like a bur.
He watched Todoroki & Momo share a shotgun again, but there was a difference in the way their bodies hovered, they way they held their mouths open and the way the fog of smoke seeped out of Momo’s delicate mouth.
Something about it was so much more alluring to Bakugou, and he felt his mind begin to wander, fantasizing what it would be like to be between them.

“Something the matter, Bakugo-kun?”
Momo’s melodic voice make Bakugou jump. She was sitting on her knees on the couch across from him, hands atop her thighs and head tilted in curiosity. Bakugou cleared his throat and readjusted himself, trying to very subtly hide the fact that he was now half hard for some reason.

CW: inebriated sex & slight dubcon
“What…uh. W-What was that.” He asked, praying he didn’t /actually/ sound as fragile and desperate as he thought.

“It’s a shotgun,” Todoroki chimed in, lazily draped on the couch, joint between his fingers.
/Fuck/, he looked…well, he looked beautiful. He was like a painting, his face shadowed in pools of dimly contoured lamplight, long neck craned just enough to expose its swan-like length. People weren’t supposed to look like that, Bakugou thought.
He really, /really/ needed a drink of water or something.
“Bakugou?” Todoroki’s voice pierced his wandering mind. Bakugou blinked a couple times.


“I asked if you wanted to try it.”

Suddenly Bakugou’s chest was shivering inside. He looked back and forth between Momo and Todoroki as he tightened the grip on his knees, effectively drawing all color from his knuckles.
Of course the answer was yes, yes yes yes he was practically screaming internally.

But he didn’t know how to say it, was all of the sudden too proud but scared and still really needed to get control of his boner. Bakugou’s tongue felt heavy as he struggled to speak.
“I-I…I don’t…I wouldn’t know how.” He managed.

His gaze was fixated on Todoroki, but Bakugou noticed something moving in his peripheral, and then suddenly there was a warmth hovering next to him.
“Here,” Momo’s voice was smooth and sweet, and then one of her hands went to his burning cheek and gently coaxed his jaw to her.

“Do you want me to help you? It’s very easy.”
Momo’s eyes were dark and alluring, her smile gentle and her body just so…/right there/. He couldn’t make any words come out for the life of him, so he opted to give a single nod slowly, eyes fixated on her full lips.
With his permission, Momo smiled gently as she brought a glowing joint to her lips and took a slow drag.

Bakugou didn’t know what to do, was he supposed to just sit there? What if he did it wrong?
“Just follow her lead,” Todoroki said suddenly, as though he could hear Bakugou’s thoughts. “She’s got you.”

And with that, suddenly Momo was leaning into Bakugou, her eyes hooded as she stared intently at his lips.
Using her thumb, she gently took hold of his jaw and opened his mouth and came barely a centimeter from his.

His eyes fluttered shut as the thick smoke drifted from Momo’s lips to his, relishing in how soft and warm she was and how so, /so/ close her tits were to his chest.
He was lost in this almost-kiss, doing everything in his power to not close the gap between them as he allowed the smoke to crawl into his mouth.
As the last wisp of smoke left Momo’s mouth, Bakugou allowed her to lift his jaw shut. From his right, he could feel the sofa sink a bit as a voice both hot and cold hissed against his ear.

“Don’t let it go yet,” Todoroki whispered, low and dense and chilling. “Now do it to me.”
Bakugou didn’t resist, allowing a cool hand to snake around and touch his cheek, guiding his head to turn the other way.

Todoroki’s eyes were impossible in their command, hypnotizing as he leaned in close to Bakugou’s mouth.
He didn’t think it was possible, but he was even closer than Momo had been, but /still/ wasn’t even touching his lips.
Bakugou slowly opened his quivering mouth, exhaling the smoke and allowing Todoroki to sip it from his lips. Bakugou’s eyes stayed open as he watched Todoroki, taking in the spectacle of how close he was and how pretty he looked with his eyes closed like that.
He felt like he had been in this one spot for at least an hour. Todoroki closed his mouth and pulled away slowly, exhaling the thinned-out smoke from his nose as his fierce eyes blinked open like an owl’s.
The left part of Bakugou’s body started to heat up very suddenly, and then he realized Momo had scooted in closer until she was flush against his side.

“See?” She hummed, a slender hand precariously but tenderly resting on his upper thigh. “Easy.”
Bakugou swallowed hard and let his head fall back over to Momo, nodding timidly.

“Yeah…” He croaked out.

“Did you like it?” Todoroki asked, low & rumbling right against his neck. His soft lips were suddenly on his skin, pressing a slow kiss into Bakugou’s simmering neck.
“Y-yeah…” Bakugou’s voice was breathy as his eyelids fluttered closed.

Every touch against his skin felt intensified, making him shudder at the gentle grazing of someone’s fingers under his shirt and along his side.
Todoroki’s lips continued to plant gentle, ghosting pecks along Bakugou’s neck as Momo inched closer.

“How do you feel, Bakugou-kun?” She asked. He swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes shut for a blink, trying to figure out if this was a trick or a joke.
But when Todoroki’s tongue suddenly licked up a trail along his neck, an involuntary, breathy moan escaped his mouth. Momo smiled, and then finally, pressed her lips to Bakugou’s.
Relief washed over him like a wave.

Bakugou melted into the saccharine heat of Momo’s mouth as she kneaded her lips against his. Her eyes fell shut as her tongue slipped between her teeth to dance with Bakugou’s, who shuddered at the chill of Todoroki’s hand under his shirt.
Holy /fuck/ this felt good.

Everything was warm and slow and heavy in a way that made Bakugou feel like he was floating in nothing but pleasure. It was unlike anything he’d known before.
Todoroki’s hand crept back up to Bakugou’s cheek, gently turning his head and releasing him from Momo’s wet lips. When their faces were close, Todoroki leaned in and licked Bakugou’s lips before pressing forward into a kiss.
Another little moan left Bakugou’s mouth. Suddenly there were two more hands beneath his shirt, tracing along his chest and slithering along his hyper-sensitive skin. Every touch was so amplified, so hot and sweet and euphoric.
When a hand drifted down and lightly palmed his cock through his jeans, a gasp left his mouth. He panted as Todoroki pulled off his lips.

“Bakugou-kun…” Momo’s voice beckoned him to turn and face her. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
He nodded quickly, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down between his shoulder blades.

“Because we like you very much,” Todoroki added. “You’re very beautiful, you know.”

Bakugou lifted his head a little and furrowed his brow. A huff of air left his mouth as he shook his head.
“Wh-What. I. Just…shuddup, you don’t m—“

“We /do/ mean it, Bakugou-kun.” Momo interrupted. “And we want to make sure you know it.”

Bakugou’s cock twitched and started to leak beneath Momo’s palm. He felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
“Everything about you is alluring…” Todoroki whispered before planting soft, electric kisses on Bakugou’s neck. He shivered and panted at the way his skin seemed to sing, the way his nerves popped and fizzled. Momo’s palm continued to gently rub over the crotch of his jeans.
Without thinking, Bakugou brought a hand to Momo’s hair and ran his fingers through the cascading locks. She smiled and let him pull her slowly to his mouth, kissing her with a hot, heavy tongue.

There were no words in his head anymore, only sounds and colors and tingles.
Bakugou’s lips sunk into Momo’s with slow, languid drags of his tongue. A soft moan seeped from her mouth and shot straight to his dick, which was now throbbing beneath both Momo and Todoroki’s hands.
Hungry and desperate to feel more, Bakugou suddenly pulled off of Momo’s mouth and made a snap decision, turning his head and diving into Todoroki’s mouth.
/Fuck/, he was so…his mouth was so cool it burned, or maybe so hot that it was cold? He sighed, parting his lips and letting Todoroki’s tongue take the lead.

He didn’t even notice Momo swing her leg over his waist and situate herself in his lap.
Not until he felt the sting of her teeth on his ear.

“Shit,” He hissed, popping off of Todoroki’s lips. He let his head fall back against the couch, panting to catch his breath while Todoroki lightly kissed along his jaw.

“You taste amazing…” Todoroki hummed.
Bakugou could feel his heartbeat in his dick.

“Is this okay with you?” Momo whispered. Everything stilled for a moment.

“We can stop if you want.” Todoroki added, softly but honestly.
Bakugou swallowed hard and looked down at his lap before meeting both sets of burning eyes before him. He gently shook his head.

“I…I don’t. I don’t want you to.” He uttered. Momo leaned right into his ear.
“Don’t want us to what?” She asked. Bakugou breathed out a sigh from the tingle of her voice.

“/Fuck/…don’t want you to /stop/…” He whispered. His blood was simmering now, his cock so hard it was actually hurting like an itch.
Bakugou could feel the curvature of her smile and the vibration of her encouraging hum against his skin.

“You can always change your mind,” She said, grinding herself against him. “But until then,”

Another roll of her hips sent Bakugou’s head back with an unrestrained groan.
“…we want to make you feel good.”

Todoroki continued before pulling Bakugou in for another kiss. The chilling heat of his tongue sent him somewhere far away, and it became impossible for Bakugou to stop himself from shaking. /Fuck/, he’d never been more turned on his /life/.
Melting into Todoroki’s mouth, Bakugou suddenly felt the shifting weight of Momo’s body as she slid down his lap and down to her knees in front of him. His lips and tongue still occupied, he cracked open an eye just in time to see Momo's hands delicately undoing his jeans.
He gulped a deep breath of air, turning his head to fully take in the spectacle.

“You’re shaking,” Todoroki said gently. “No need to be nervous. She’s very good at sucking a cock.”
Bakugou’s fingertips literally started to spark as he choked on his saliva. He’d never heard Todoroki say something so vulgar, but based on the way his dick throbbed in response, he decided he really, really liked it.
Bakugou’s damp chest rose and fell in his peripheral as he watched Momo carefully extricate his cock from his jeans and briefs. It was so hard it practically sprang up at the release, the tip already embarrassingly dewy with precum.
“Mmmm,” Momo hummed, her hands settling and curling atop his thighs. “Beautiful.”

“/Beautiful/.” Todoroki reiterated, nose pressed to Bakugou’s sweaty temple.
Trembling with blind, horny anticipation, Bakugou watched with hungry eyes as Momo opened her mouth to press the flat of her tongue on his dick, licking in a long stripe all the way from the base to the tip.

“/Ahh—hah…/“ Bakugou breathed on a shaky whine.
Momo’s owlish eyes met his as she closed her lips around the head, tightening the pressure as she sucked in her cheeks and slowly sank further down his shaft. Bakugou’s eyes rolled back as his head fell to the side, panting as twisting roots of pleasure dug deep inside his belly.
“F-Fuck, Ponytail…” He hissed.

Todoroki’s cool hand began to snake back up Bakugou’s shirt. With a sudden shocking chill, he pinched a nipple between his fingers, forcing a choked gasp from Bakugou’s mouth and sending his nerve endings into a frenzy.
Bakugou’s hand shot out to clutch the fabric of the couch, hoping to muffle the sparks popping at his fingers.
Momo’s hot mouth and full lips continued to slide up and down Bakugou’s cock, her head bobbing with a precise rhythm as she brought herself further down his shaft. Bakugou brought a shaky hand out before him, moving the curtain of hair away from her lovely face for a better view.
Everything spun as Bakugou tried to pinpoint his euphoria. Todoroki’s tongue on his neck, his fingers pinching his nipples, Momo’s mouth curled around his cock—everything was so much, too much, and yet he found himself growing hungry for more, desperate to make it last.
“Fuck,” Bakugou hissed, turning to face Todoroki. He eagerly pressed forward and drove his tongue into his mouth, needing to kiss someone and burn away the pleasure boiling in his blood.
Momo’s mouth picked up speed as her lips tightened again, stopping just below the head to squeeze her mouth with almost too much pressure.
Bakugou yelped into Todoroki’s mouth, starting to now reflexively grind his hips up and fuck into Momo’s taut lips. She swallowed against him, her throat tightening with an audible, choked gag.

“Easy, Katsuki.” Todoroki said, moving his cool hand down to his lower belly.
Bakugou shivered, stopping himself and lifting Momo’s head from his dick, hand weaved in the mess of her hair. Her face was flushed bright red, pinpricks of tears stuck at the corners of her eyes. A string of saliva stretched from her lips to his cock.

“Fuck,” Bakugou hissed.
“Your fuckin’ /mouth/, Ponytail…”

Momo wiped at her lips with a single finger, smirking with pride. Stone grey eyes burned into him like coals as she rose to her feet.

“Don’t worry, Bakugou-kun.” Momo’s arms crossed in front of her as she reached for the hem of her shirt.
“Shochan knows I can take it. I’m a big girl, after all. Isn’t that right?”

Todoroki hummed, palming himself over his jeans. Bakugou licked his lips and stared, enraptured as Momo pulled her top off to reveal her large breasts, just barely covered by a black lace bra.
Momo hooked her fingers in the waistband of her silk shorts and slowly turned her back to the boys, playfully shimmying out of them and letting them float to the floor.

Bakugou’s dick jumped at the sight. She was built like a goddamn pornstar.
“She’s lovely, isn’t she?” Todoroki whispered, one hand over his crotch and the other lightly grazing over Bakugou’s hard cock.

“Yeah,” Bakugou breathed, mouth dry and head syrupy.
The way Momo giggled and glanced over her shoulder did nothing to clear his head. She slid her hands all over her ass and back, digging her manicured fingers into the meat of her own flesh.

Bakugou felt Todoroki’s breathing pick up as Momo’s hands found their way to her bra.
Back still turned, she unhooked the clasp (one handed, because she was a show-off), and let her bra slide off her shoulders and to her feet. Bakugou was aching in anticipation.

“Come here, angel.” Todoroki said softly, his own voice starting to shudder a bit.
At his command, Momo slowly turned over her shoulder, completely bare save for the thin panties still on her hips.

The dim lighting in the room exaggerated the curves of Momo’s bare breasts and waist. A thin sheen of sweat caught the light in a way that made her skin shine.
Bakugou’s stoned-out mind short circuited.

He couldn’t help himself as he brought a hand to his own desperate cock, squeezing it once to get some kind of relief.
“You’re teasing us,” Todoroki said, his own hand undoing his pants. “So coquettish.”

Bakugou shivered as Momo giggled again, that same haunting giggle that seemed to choke a vise around his cock. She slowly made her way over to the couch and settled herself onto Todoroki’s lap.
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